Solidity versions: Using very old versions of Solidity prevents the benefits of bug fixes and newer security checks. Using the latest versions might make contracts susceptible to undiscovered compiler bugs. Consider using one of these versions: 0.7.5, 0.7.6 or 0.8.4 .
Storage Layout & Ordering: Ordering of storage variables and struct members affect how they can be packed tightly. For example, declaring your storage variables in the order of uint128, uint128, uint256 instead of uint128, uint256, uint128, as the former will only take up two slots of storage whereas the latter will take up three.
The best-practices for layout within a contract is the following order: state variables, events, modifiers, constructor and functions to improve contract readability
It's recommended to define any function that is not called inside your contract as external rather than public and functions that are not called in child contracts as private rather than internal to reduce gas cost
Unit tests
You did a great job with testing. My advice to you is to :
-Check the amazing testing tools like OZ testing environment and waffle as they would give you lots of amazing tools that help you develop more efficient unit tests. also if you would love to check the test coverage, tools like firefly would help you
General feedback:
What you have done is amazing and I do encourage you to continue your work on this amazing idea
Thank you for the evaluation and the detailed feedback. I will keep them in mind and continue to improve this further as well as add a few new features
Hi @gurukamath – Congratulations, your Final Project passed!
We'll be approving it on the course itself in a week or two, but here's your feedback in the meanwhile:
Front end & UX : Thank you for your hard work. Below are some recommendations to make your work better:
Smart contract: awesome code organization and documentation, few tips and tricks if you would love to make your work incredibly amazing
Unit tests You did a great job with testing. My advice to you is to :
-Check the amazing testing tools like OZ testing environment and waffle
as they would give you lots of amazing tools that help you develop more efficient unit tests. also if you would love to check the test coverage, tools like firefly
would help youGeneral feedback: What you have done is amazing and I do encourage you to continue your work on this amazing idea