gusbemacbe / suru-plus-telinkrin

Based on the Suru++ and Sam Hewitt's Suru Icons adapted to the Telinkrin GTK theme
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
14 stars 1 forks source link

Problem with two icons #3

Closed bzhmurov closed 6 years ago

bzhmurov commented 6 years ago


I use Debian 9 stable (Stretch) with Gnome 3.22.3 (default Debian 9 installation with Gnome desktop). Latest Telikrin GTK theme and latest SURU++ and SURU++ Telirkin icons.

Please take a look ar screenshot attached, I've underlined two problems:

  1. Looks like icon from "disk drive" is used for a "Clock" applet
  2. Wrong type of icon is used for gnome-control-center in dash-to-dock extension. The size of dash-to-dock icons is 32.



gusbemacbe commented 6 years ago

This is the old version of Telinkrin. It is why I updated the version of Telinkrin today morning, not just purged the dead symlinks, but I am going to push it when I finish to readjust README and instructions.

@Magog64 has fixed it. See if the latest version of Suru++ still has this same problem.

I also noticed that Slack and Skype icons are not displayed. May I know the icons name from Icon=... from desktop files?

bzhmurov commented 6 years ago

Thank you Gustavo, latest version of Suru++ icons has fixed problem with clocks.

Here are desktop files from Slack and Skypeforlinux packages. This is default desktop files from them.

[Desktop Entry] Name=Slack Comment=Slack Desktop GenericName=Slack Client for Linux Exec=/usr/bin/slack %U Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/slack.png Type=Application StartupNotify=true Categories=GNOME;GTK;Network;InstantMessaging; MimeType=x-scheme-handler/slack;

[Desktop Entry] Name=Skype Comment=Skype Internet Telephony Exec=/usr/share/skypeforlinux/skypeforlinux %U Icon=skypeforlinux Terminal=false Type=Application StartupNotify=true StartupWMClass=Skype Encoding=UTF-8 Categories=Network;Application; MimeType=x-scheme-handler/skype; X-KDE-Protocols=skype Actions=QuitSkype;

gusbemacbe commented 6 years ago

The wrong icons of Clocks have been fixed by @Magog64.