gusgard / react-native-swiper-flatlist

👆 Swiper component implemented with FlatList using Hooks & Typescript + strict automation tests with Detox
Apache License 2.0
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Different item Height to the cause Item stretching #182

Open HasanElfalt opened 5 months ago

HasanElfalt commented 5 months ago

I am working with Swiper flatList with data, each item in the swipping flatList has diffrenet items and different heights, what happens is the Swiper flat list strict with the largest height item and apply it to the others items causing the other height stretching


is there a way to make each item fit its height

React Native version: I am working with React native "0.73.4" and I am testing it on Android.

JedrekDabrowski commented 2 months ago

@HasanElfalt I have added alignSelf: 'flex-start', to SwiperFlatList item styles and every item takes space exactly how much it needs.