gusmanb / logicanalyzer

24 channel, 100Msps logic analyzer hardware and software
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Crash when exporting data (Linux) - Index was outside the bounds of the array. #31

Closed Oliv4945 closed 1 year ago

Oliv4945 commented 1 year ago


I am using v2.0.1.0 under Linux, the capture and save are fine, but exporting the data results in an application crash with the following log:

Unhandled exception. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at LogicAnalyzer.MainWindow.<MnuExport_Click>b__9_0(Int32 c) in C:\Users\geniw\source\repos\LogicAnalyzer\LogicAnalyzer\MainWindow.axaml.cs:line 72
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectArrayIterator`2.ToArray()
   at LogicAnalyzer.MainWindow.MnuExport_Click(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) in C:\Users\geniw\source\repos\LogicAnalyzer\LogicAnalyzer\MainWindow.axaml.cs:line 72
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__128_0(Object state)
   at Avalonia.Threading.AvaloniaSynchronizationContext.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<Post>b__0() in /_/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/AvaloniaSynchronizationContext.cs:line 33
   at Avalonia.Threading.JobRunner.RunJobs(Nullable`1 priority) in /_/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/JobRunner.cs:line 37
   at Avalonia.X11.X11PlatformThreading.CheckSignaled() in /_/src/Avalonia.X11/X11PlatformThreading.cs:line 164
   at Avalonia.X11.X11PlatformThreading.RunLoop(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /_/src/Avalonia.X11/X11PlatformThreading.cs:line 244
   at Avalonia.Threading.Dispatcher.MainLoop(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /_/src/Avalonia.Base/Threading/Dispatcher.cs:line 65
   at Avalonia.Controls.ApplicationLifetimes.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.Start(String[] args) in /_/src/Avalonia.Controls/ApplicationLifetimes/ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.cs:line 120
   at Avalonia.ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetimeExtensions.StartWithClassicDesktopLifetime[T](T builder, String[] args, ShutdownMode shutdownMode) in /_/src/Avalonia.Controls/ApplicationLifetimes/ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.cs:line 209
   at LogicAnalyzer.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\geniw\source\repos\LogicAnalyzer\LogicAnalyzer\Program.cs:line 14

The file is 0 bytes

Capture parameters:

gusmanb commented 1 year ago


Thanks for the report, I think I have found the problem. Could you please test this build? I don't have a Linux machine at hand to test it. This should correct the problem and disable the transparency (on supported OS's) to improve performance.


Oliv4945 commented 1 year ago

Thank you, your fix is working!

In the mean time I wrote a small ".lac" converter in Python to transform my data... It took me more time than I want to admit to find out that the data are saved in decimal :)