gusparis / react-native-month-year-picker

React Native Month Picker component for iOS & Android
MIT License
105 stars 73 forks source link

[Request] Please provide index.d.ts for typescript #67

Closed csohei closed 2 years ago

csohei commented 3 years ago

Dear contributors.

I found this repo yesterday and am thinking this is exactly what I want.

However, since I am using the Typescript and cannot use the component without suppressing type error. To use your component, I would like you to provide the typedef as a part of the code provided.

If you do not mind me contributing, I can make PR by myself in this weekend or next week.

Best Regard

Reference: Typescript Official Document: Modules .d.ts

gusparis commented 3 years ago

Hey @csohei! How's it going? Yes, adding ts support was on my routemap, but couldn't find the time yet to work on it. If you want to contribute go ahead! I'd gladly review your PR and help you with anything you need.

SaadBinWaheed-empglabs commented 3 years ago

Any update on TS support?

androidfanatic commented 3 years ago


jeandejavu commented 2 years ago


eminsr commented 2 years ago

Please check out the PR #99 and feel free to improve if necessary.

tyhour commented 2 years ago

You can declare like this : // import MaterialIcons from 'react-native-month-year-picker'; var MonthPicker = require('react-native-month-year-picker').default;