gustaveroussy / EaCoN

Easy Copy Number !
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Windows version of APT not compatible #16

Open jgarces02 opened 5 years ago

jgarces02 commented 5 years ago

Hi @CS-GustaveRoussy,

Thanks for this marvelous pipeline. I'm having a problem I think with the Windows version I'm using... the error message (sorry because it's in spanish) says that this APT app is of 16 bits and my Windows (64 bits, Windows 10) seems not to support it.


And this is the log that appears in the R terminal:

 [U1090720:2028] Decompressing ../data/12443-CPP_MO_(CytoScanHD_Array).CEL ...
 [U1090720:2028] OS is reported as windows
 [U1090720:2028] Running APT ...
Error in system(command = paste0(apt.cmd, collapse = ""), intern = TRUE) : 
  'CreateProcess' failed to run 'C:\Users\jgarces\DOCUME~1\R\WIN-LI~1\3.5\APTCYT~1.0\apt\bin\APT-CO~1.EXE --allele-peak-count 24 --nearest-power-of-two 512 --keep-intermediate-data false --dual-channel-normalization false --mangle-probeset-names false --waviness-block-size 50 --waviness-genomic-span 0 --igender-male-threshold 1.5 --igender-female-threshold 0.9 --sig-gender-xx-cutoff 0.61 --sig-gender-xx-cutoff-high 0.95 --sig-gender-y-cutoff 0.58 --sig-gender-reference-chromosome 2 --force false 
Error in if (!file.exists(oscf)) return(cmdres) : 
  argument is of length zero

Could you help me, please? I cannot find another version of this APT on the internet...

Thanks in advance for your attention. Best regards.

aoumess commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your interest in EaCoN ! APT binaries have been tested for the Linux and MacOSX versions, but nor for the Windows one, unfortunately... I am surprised that these APT Windows builds may be 16bits -only as most modern systems do not support binaries below 32bits, it would be strange from Affymetrix to made such builds ? I will investigate on my side and get back to you if I find a solution. Regards,

jgarces02 commented 5 years ago

Ok, if it's working in Linux I can move to this OS... thanks for your response! (and I'll wait for the Windows solution)