gustaveroussy / EaCoN

Easy Copy Number !
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Support for Cytoscan HD Accel #28

Open A97paupic opened 4 months ago

A97paupic commented 4 months ago

Hi! Our lab recently switched from "Cytoscan HD" to "CytoScan HD Accel", ThermoFishers new microarray kit ( I tried to run EaCoN with the same settings used for CytoScan HD, CS.Process(CEL = file, samplename = sample, out.dir = "/home/vagrant/results", = "na36.r1", wave.renorm = T, gc.renorm = T, genome.pkg = "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38", force = T), which has worked perfectly before but now I get the following error:

Loading required package: EaCoN
Starting CS.Process on sample_A at 2024-06-25 12:03:31
Decompressing sample_A.CEL ...
Identified array type 'CytoScanHD_Accel' is not supported by this function !
Execution halted

Is there some easy fix to this error?

I have noted that they have released new library files specific for "CytoScan HD Accel" (you will find them at the end of the product link above), maybe this means that these must be installed in order for EaCoN to work properly?

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards, Paul