gustaveroussy / bigr_long-reads_bulk

Long-reads Bulk DNA-seq pipeline
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Add barcodes management option when performing basecalling #33

Open sandratra-rab opened 1 month ago

sandratra-rab commented 1 month ago

Add barcodes management/demultiplexing option when performing basecalling

sandratra-rab commented 2 weeks ago

Warning! We cannot directly obtain demultiplexed pod5, we need to 1) basecall 2) demultiplex 3) extract read IDs from demultiplexed reads 4) use pod5 tools to get demultiplexed pod5

We can only get demultiplexed UBAM and FASTQ files

STORAGE ISSUES ? It could be a bottleneck if we need to re-basecall right after minknow in order to store the demultiplexed pod5 files
