Gathering information...
We are checking the service running on port 80
The process listening on port 80 is /usr/sbin/httpd
The process running on port 80 is Apache/2.4.18 (Amazon)
Apache has been running 0d 0h 05m 25s
The full path to the Apache config file is: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Unable to determine whether Apache is using worker or prefork
Examining your Apache configuration...
Unsuccessful stat on filename containing newline at line 125 (#1)
(W newline) A file operation was attempted on a filename, and that
operation failed, PROBABLY because the filename contained a newline,
PROBABLY because you forgot to chomp() it off. See "chomp" in perlfunc.
Apache runs as apache
Your max clients setting is 30
Analyzing memory use...
Your server has 995 MB of memory
Generating reports...
Settings considered for this report:
Your server's physical RAM: 995MB
Apache's MaxClients directive: 30
Apache MPM Model: 0
Largest Apache process (by memory): 25.99MB
Apache Buddy v 0.3
Gathering information... We are checking the service running on port 80 The process listening on port 80 is /usr/sbin/httpd The process running on port 80 is Apache/2.4.18 (Amazon) Apache has been running 0d 0h 05m 25s The full path to the Apache config file is: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Unable to determine whether Apache is using worker or prefork
Examining your Apache configuration... Unsuccessful stat on filename containing newline at line 125 (#1) (W newline) A file operation was attempted on a filename, and that operation failed, PROBABLY because the filename contained a newline, PROBABLY because you forgot to chomp() it off. See "chomp" in perlfunc.
Apache runs as apache Your max clients setting is 30
Analyzing memory use... Your server has 995 MB of memory
Generating reports...
Settings considered for this report: