gustavnikolaj / jshell

shell interface from nodejs
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Unexpected 'to satisfy' assertion failed #3

Closed gustavnikolaj closed 10 years ago

gustavnikolaj commented 10 years ago

I had to disable it in 7c41e0a9f69a8dd99d40c2c1a059befd7daacba6 and replace it with a check using 'to be a function'.

I got an error bubbling up from spawn - that was the weirdest thing - as nothing should have called spawn yet. This makes me feel like it's coming from this code and is not the fault of unexpected, but I'm at a loss @sunesimonsen .

sunesimonsen commented 10 years ago

I figured out what the problem is. Unexpected has a few cases that tries to test if an argument is a regex. But the code that does the check, looks like this:

    isRegExp: function (re) {
        var s;
        try {
            s = '' + re;
        } catch (e) {
            return false;

        return re instanceof RegExp || // easy case
        // duck-type for context-switching evalcx case
        typeof(re) === 'function' &&
   === 'RegExp' &&
            re.compile &&
            re.test &&
            re.exec &&

That means toString will be called on jshell by this code. I'll fix it by checking if toString receives a callback.

gustavnikolaj commented 10 years ago

Nice one :+1: Thanks!