gustavochm / phasepy

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Additional properties of a mixture #10

Closed infinity77 closed 3 years ago

infinity77 commented 3 years ago


I have tried using phasepy to analyze the behavior of a mixture of 11 components - as a gas - and comparing the results with the AGA8 code ( I have been looking specifically at density, Z, entropy, enthalpy, heat capacities and speed of sound.

Quite curiously, I get very similar results for density and Z between phasepy and AGA8, but all the other properties are very far off from one another. This is what I get:

Property PhasePy AGA8
Molar density (mol/l) 0.0424631 0.0424358
Compressibility factor (Z) 0.996037 0.996618
Residual Entropy (J/mol-K) -0.0671334 5.050331
Residual Enthalpy (J/mol) -28.8389 -439.650
Residual isochoric heat capacity (J/mol-K) 0.017577 32.6788
Residual isobaric heat capacity (J/mol-K) 0.152745 41.1268
Speed of sound (m/s) 437.46 379.25

I have verified the AGA8 results with the Excel interface and the Fortran interface. The code I have used for phasepy is below:

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import numpy as np
from phasepy import preos, component, mixture

# KIJ interaction coefficients
#       Methane,  Nitrogen  CO2     Ethane   Propane Isobutane Butane Isopentane Pentane  Hexane   H2S
KIJ = [[0.00000, 0.02890, 0.09780, -0.0059, 0.01190, 0.02560, 0.01850, -0.0056, 0.02300, 0.04000, 0.00000],
       [0.02890, 0.00000, -0.0122, 0.05330, 0.08780, 0.10330, 0.07110, 0.09220, 0.10000, 0.14960, 0.16520],
       [0.09780, -0.0122, 0.00000, 0.13000, 0.13150, 0.13000, 0.13520, 0.12190, 0.12520, 0.11000, 0.09670],
       [-0.0059, 0.05330, 0.13000, 0.00000, 0.00110, -0.0067, 0.00890, 0.00000, 0.00780, -0.0400, 0.09520],
       [0.01190, 0.08780, 0.13150, 0.00110, 0.00000, -0.0078, 0.00330, 0.01110, 0.02670, 0.00070, 0.08780],
       [0.02560, 0.10330, 0.13000, -0.0067, -0.0078, 0.00000, -0.0004, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.04740],
       [0.01850, 0.07110, 0.13520, 0.00890, 0.00330, -0.0004, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.01740, -0.0056, 0.00000],
       [-0.0056, 0.09220, 0.12190, 0.00000, 0.01110, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000],
       [0.02300, 0.10000, 0.12520, 0.00780, 0.02670, 0.00000, 0.01740, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.06300],
       [0.04000, 0.14960, 0.11000, -0.0400, 0.00070, 0.00000, -0.0056, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000],
       [0.00000, 0.16520, 0.09670, 0.09520, 0.08780, 0.04740, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.06300, 0.00000, 0.00000]]

KIJ = np.array(KIJ)

# Critical properties of pure chemicals
#        Mw       Tc (K)  Pc (bar) Vc(cm3/mol) Zc     omega
DATA = [[16.043 , 190.56 , 46.00  , 99.0     , 0.288, 0.011],
        [28.0135, 126.2  , 33.94  , 89.5     , 0.29 , 0.040],
        [44.01  , 304.2  , 73.76  , 94.0     , 0.274, 0.228],
        [30.07  , 305.36 , 48.80  , 146.0    , 0.284, 0.099],
        [44.097 , 369.9  , 42.50  , 199.0    , 0.281, 0.152],
        [58.123 , 407.84 , 36.40  , 256.0    , 0.282, 0.177],
        [58.123 , 425.2  , 37.90  , 257.0    , 0.274, 0.193],
        [72.15  , 460.37 , 33.50  , 313.0    , 0.27 , 0.228],
        [72.15  , 469.7  , 33.70  , 310.0    , 0.269, 0.249],
        [86.177 , 507.5  , 30.30  , 366.0    , 0.264, 0.305],
        [34.082 , 373.2  , 89.37  , 98.5     , 0.284, 0.245]]

DATA = np.array(DATA)

data = [('Methane', 0.8256), ('Nitrogen', 0.0116) , ('CO2', 0.0135)   , ('Ethane', 0.0572), 
        ('Propane', 0.0449), ('Isobutane', 0.0117), ('Butane', 0.0195), ('Isopentane', 0.0085), 
        ('Pentane', 0.0038), ('Hexane', 0.0025)   , ('H2S', 0.0012)]

row = 0
phasepy_components = []
compositions = []

for name, fraction in data:
    comp = component(name=name, Tc=DATA[row, 1], Pc=DATA[row, 2], Vc=DATA[row, 3],
                     Zc=DATA[row, 4], w=DATA[row, 5], Mw=DATA[row, 0])


    if row == 1:
        # Create th mixture as 2 components are done already
        mix = mixture(phasepy_components[0], phasepy_components[1])
    elif row > 1:
        # Add to the existing mixture

    row += 1

eos = preos(mix, mixrule='qmr')

T = 288.15   # K
P = 1.01325  # bar
x = np.array(compositions)
print('Molar density                    : ', 1e3*eos.density(x, T, P, 'V'), 'mol/l')
print('Compressibility factor (Z)       : ', eos.Zmix(x, T, P)[0])

# Thermal derived properties
Sr = eos.EntropyR(x, T, P, 'V')
Hr = eos.EnthalpyR(x, T, P, 'V')
Cvr = eos.CvR(x, T, P, 'V')
Cpr = eos.CpR(x, T, P, 'V')

# ideal gas heat capacities, better values can be obtained with DIPPR 801 correlations
r = 8.314  # J / mol K
CvId = 3*r/2
CpId = 5*r/2
w = eos.speed_sound(x, T, P, 'V', CvId=CvId, CpId=CpId)

print('Residual Entropy                 : ', Sr , 'J/mol-K')
print('Residual Enthalpy                : ', Hr , 'J/mol')
print('Residual isochoric heat capacity : ', Cvr, 'J/mol-K')
print('Residual isobaric heat capacity  : ', Cpr, 'J/mol-K')
print('Speed of sound                   : ', w  , 'm/s')

I am sure I am missing something obvious - could you please explain what that would be?

Thank you in advance.

tkeskita commented 3 years ago

Hi, can you share your AGA8 Fortran code? Are you sure its giving you the residual properties?

gustavochm commented 3 years ago


Thanks for you interest in Phasepy.

The thermal derivatives properties (Entropy, Enthalpy, Cv, Cp and speed of sound) were just added recently to the package. After this enquiry I checked the functions and there is no bug in the functions (the relations are correctly coded). I used the following expressions:

thermal derivatives

There are several reasons that could explain the differences between the AGA8 package.

It would be interesting to compare the source codes of both implementations!

I hope this help!

infinity77 commented 3 years ago


you are indeed correct and the AGA8 code is not reporting residual properties, I completely missed it from looking at the code.

the AGA8 implementation (at least for simple stuff) is public domain and you can find it here in 4 different languages: