Closed indraraj26 closed 5 years ago
Dear gustavomazzoni,
i have defined these variable at the top of file
declare var TesseractPlugin: any; var language = 'eng';
i get deferred not defined. when i declare this too at the top of file still i am getting deferred is not defined. declare var deferred: any;
onCamera() { TesseractPlugin.loadLanguage(language, function(response) { deferred.resolve(response); }, function(reason) { deferred.reject('Error on loading OCR file for your language. ' + reason); }); const options: CameraOptions = { quality: 100, destinationType:, encodingType:, mediaType: } => { console.log(imageData) TesseractPlugin.recognizeText(imageData, language, function(recognizedText) { deferred.resolve(recognizedText); console.log(deferred.resolve(recognizedText)) console.log(recognizedText); }, function(reason) { deferred.reject('Error on recognizing text from image. ' + reason); }); }, (err) => { console.log(err) }); }
Dear gustavomazzoni,
i have defined these variable at the top of file
i get deferred not defined. when i declare this too at the top of file still i am getting deferred is not defined. declare var deferred: any;