gustavowillam / SmartMapPlugin

Plugin Qgis3.10.x para interpolação utilizando Krigagem Ordinária (OK), Machine Learning (ML) e Geração de Zonas de Manejo
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Interpolation fail error #47

Closed mbayad33 closed 1 year ago

mbayad33 commented 1 year ago

Hello ,

I have tried to ordinary kriging using SmartmapPluging but each time I get this error when I click interpolate:

This error is generated when I select non-linear model (e.g. polynomial). But the plugin works fine with linear model for me.

Could you please help solve this error?

An error has occurred while executing Python code:

numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: Matrix is singular. Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users/user/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3\profiles\default/python/plugins\Smart_Map\", line 3705, in pushButton_Krigagem_clicked z_est_py, ss = OK.execute(xygrid, n_closest_points=n_neig, radius=raio_busca) File "C:\Users/user/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3\profiles\default/python/plugins\Smart_Map\krig\", line 328, in execute zvalues, sigmasq = self._exec_loop(a, xypoints,n) File "C:\Users/user/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3\profiles\default/python/plugins\Smart_Map\krig\", line 282, in _exec_loop x = scipy.linalg.solve(a, b) File "C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS32~1.1\apps\Python39\lib\site-packages\scipy\linalg\", line 214, in solve _solve_check(n, info) File "C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS32~1.1\apps\Python39\lib\site-packages\scipy\linalg\", line 29, in _solve_check raise LinAlgError('Matrix is singular.') numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: Matrix is singular.

Python version: 3.9.5 (tags/v3.9.5:0a7dcbd, May 3 2021, 17:27:52) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)] QGIS version: 3.28.1-Firenze Firenze, fde3b8fbb8c

gustavowillam commented 1 year ago

Which plugin version are you using? Install the latest version (1.3.2): And check again if the error persists.