gustifur89 / Backrooms

A backrooms game using my engine
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How do you run this? #1

Open What42Pizza opened 3 years ago

What42Pizza commented 3 years ago

Every time I run BackRooms.exe in x64/Release (not Backrooms/x64...), it gives the error "Impossible to open [garbage]. Are you in the right directory ? Don't forget to read the FAQ !" (also, I've installed OpenAL)

I'd really like to see your version of the backrooms and if you can tell me what I'm doing wrong (is it a different file?), I'd really like that

gustifur89 commented 3 years ago

In order to get it to run correctly, you need the "src/.." folder in the same directory as the .exe "src/.." can be copied straight from the "backrooms/" directory. That error is caused when the code tries to open an audio file where none exist (in this case it is looking for a buzzing sound file in src/sounds)

Also, in order to run the code properly, you need the "engine.hpp" file that is from a different project of mine on github called "engine." "engine.hpp" has most of the functionality of my game engine in an easily linkable format.

What42Pizza commented 3 years ago

Ok, Thanks! I'll try to do that once I'm at my computer

What42Pizza commented 3 years ago

Ok, I've tried that, but it always gets stuck on the third "linking program" message. I've moved scr/ and Engine.hpp into the same directory as the .exe like you've said. I've also tried moving everything in Backroooms/ and not just scr/, and I've tried moving everything from the engine repository, but those also result in getting stuck in the (third) "linking program" message. Am I doing something wrong, or is it just that I'm not waiting long enough?

gustifur89 commented 3 years ago

Linking program has to do with shader compilation. Does it crash or just freeze? What are the two preceding lines output? That should tell you which shaders are being funky. Honestly, I haven't touched this program in a while, but I'll try to get it back working and let you know what I do

What42Pizza commented 3 years ago

Here's the full log (that's shown):

Compiling shader : src/shaders/windowVertex.vs Compiling shader : src/shaders/fog.fs Linking program Compiling shader : src/shaders/texture.vs Compiling shader : src/shaders/texture.fs Linking program Compiling shader : src/shaders/texture.vs Compiling shader : src/shaders/texture.fs Linking program

It seems to just freeze, but not like when scr/ is missing. When I remove scr/, it becomes unresponsive, but when it freezes while linking I can still move and close the game's window

Edit: I should probably mention that this happens both with and without Engine.hpp (there's absolutely no difference)

gustifur89 commented 3 years ago

What do you mean by "can still move"? Does a window pop up? That output seems to show that it compiled all the shaders properly. What the code does first is compiles a .vs then a .fs, then links them, so it isn't outputting an error, just letting you know that it linked the texture.vs and texture.fs shaders

What42Pizza commented 3 years ago

Yeah, a window pops up but it's completely blank

gustifur89 commented 3 years ago

Ahh. That might be because I was fiddling with the room generation code but then stopped working on the project. It may not even be supposed to be drawing stuff. Let me check the main.cpp code and see what it should be doing.

Yup. Just checked and a lot of the code to actually generate the room meshes was never written. So there's the general structure of the code, but specifics are missing, so It just isn't generating anything. Sorry about that. If you give me week or two, I could probably implement what I originally intended if you want.

What42Pizza commented 3 years ago

That'd be cool but you don't have to if you don't have the time. I'm just trying to see everyone's own version of the backrooms because for some reason I really like to see other people's thoughts on weird things like this

gustifur89 commented 3 years ago

The method I was going for with this was to generate rooms. Each room would have random door placement and then each door would generate a new node which would then be used to generate a new room off of that. And then once the player moves far enough away, you'd delete the rooms and re-add the nodes so that the level would change behind you. I was gonna make dynamic room shapes with this project too.

I have another project called "3d_2" and in the file "segments.h" I have a function to generate levels randomly using premade level segments. I used this to make bunkers, but if you make the segments backrooms, it would make backrooms. Applying the above add/remove node stuff you could make it infinite and regenerative. [Attached is a picture of that].
(Know that I wrote this program a while ago and I am a self taught programmer so it's probably unreadable, but it may offer some insight.) Bunker

Additionally, I saw this youtube video that could easily be changed into backrooms. I actually wanted to do a backrooms project based on this but never got around to it (

I think it would be fun to try to actually finish the backrooms project so I'll probably work on it over the next month or so and upload the progress. I hope you get yours working!

What42Pizza commented 3 years ago

Oh dude, I love that video! That sounds a lot more complicated than what I'm working on, and I'd really like to see it when it's done!

gustifur89 commented 3 years ago

What engine are you working on? This stuff is all homebrew c++/opengl, but I currently use Unity, so if you're a unity dev, then I could just whip up a script there which would be faster. Unless you want to see how homemade engines work, too. Let me know. :)

What42Pizza commented 3 years ago

I'm making mine in roblox, just cause that's what I happened to start using. I think the system I'm using, though simpler, is probably the best for how I want mine generated, so I think I'm good.