gusutabopb / aioinflux

Asynchronous Python client for InfluxDB
MIT License
159 stars 31 forks source link

Doesn't work with python3.5 #1

Closed zloidemon closed 6 years ago

zloidemon commented 6 years ago

Actually i don't see reason to use that library without support python 3.5. Not all LTS linux distros provide python3.6.

gusutabopb commented 6 years ago

You are not forced to use the Python that shipped with your OS. Actually, it's really bad practice messing up with your OS Python installation. I personally recommend you checkout conda/Miniconda and install a Python distribution for your application on userland. There's also Docker and probably many other alternatives to using the Python shipped with your OS.

I use aioinflux as part of a larger application that depends on some Python 3.6 only functionality. I have no plans of supporting 3.5, but in case you want to fork it and make your own version, for aioinflux, most modifications should be rather trivial (basically removing f-strings).