gusztavvargadr / vagrant

Vagrant samples for creating Windows and Ubuntu environments
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MacOS support #82

Closed Ruluk closed 3 years ago

Ruluk commented 3 years ago


I have a local branch ready to add support for building Windows VMs in MacOS in gusztavvargadr/packer. This PR must come first.


Fix: Local run triggers on MacOS.

Local run triggers should be binaries, not scripts. This fails in MacOS.


Fix: Immutable local file modifications.

These lines were being called multiple times, which is unnecessary.

gusztavvargadr commented 3 years ago

@Ruluk thanks for the effort, I greatly appreciate it.

I think there is a small issue with it, see my comment above.

If your goal is to make the packer repo work, I suggest to temporarily comment out those parts that would rely on this, I am planning to remove this repo dependency from there anyway, and open a PR for that, I guess that is a bigger work :)