gut-space / satnogs

The goal of this project is to create a functional satellite ground station, able to receive VHF transmissions from NOAA sats and more!
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Prepare station to receive more satellites #38

Closed fivitti closed 4 years ago

fivitti commented 4 years ago

We plan to receive the Meteor-group satellites. But our software is strongly assigned with NOAA satellites. The different satellites require different software and configuration. We need a possibility to add new configurations without rewrite our receive scripts or write wrappers in Python for each new subprogram. Therefore I propose a recipe-based solution. "Recipe" is a shell script which is responsible for receive signal and decode it. As input each recipe gets three parameters:

As output the script should print on standard output in format: !! CATEGORY: PATH where is category of file. Now I use "Signal" for initial WAV file and "Product" for decoded imagery. I think that we will need a category for waterfall and text, binary data in future.

User should have a possibility to execute recipe without using Python code.

Recipe is responsible for cleanup all created files excluded the files printed as output. These files are clean up by Python code.

User has a possibility to select recipe by "recipe" parameter in satellite config. Now it is optional and script try to deduce recipe based on satellite. (For example if recipe isn't provided and name starts with NOAA then we use recipe for NOAA).

I include in this MR also few small improves to work with many satellites as add possibility to disable planning for specific satellite, optional keep signal or products on the disk and disable submit to server for specific sat.

tomaszmrugalski commented 4 years ago

Oh and if you want to be super-safe, run the shell scripts through shellcheck. It finds a lot of portability problems in shell scripts.