gut-space / svarog

📡 A ground stations network for receiving satellite transmissions, using VHF, UHF, and more.
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remove poliastro #101

Open tomaszmrugalski opened 9 months ago

tomaszmrugalski commented 9 months ago

With a heavy heart, I learned that the awesome poliastro project is at the cross-roads and will likely to conclude its development.

It's been truly fantastic experience over the last couple years. But sadly, there is no python 3.11 compatible version. Okay, th unreleased/git 0.18dev0 works with it and some hacks could be done in Svarog to use it, but if the project is going off the rails, this would just prolong the pain.

The lack of 3.11 support also breaks down couple other important things, like dependabot being unable to open PRs due to unsolved dependencies.

So am afraid the way to go is to remove poliastro support. Svarog used it only very lightly - to calculate orbital elements from TLE. The hope was to use more extensively in the future to make a better visualization of the sat fly-overs. Oh well, we'll have to use some other way.