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Upgrade VHF omni on TKiS-1 #37

Closed tomaszmrugalski closed 3 years ago

tomaszmrugalski commented 3 years ago

Ok, it's over a year since the TKiS-1 station became operational. It's time for some upgrades. The station seems to be stable, but the reception is of reasonably poor quality. There's a lot of interference. Here's couple things we could try:

  1. [x] upgrade RTL-SDR v3 to a better SDR.
  2. [x] choose, buy and install pre-amplifier, some form of LNA
  3. [x] choose, buy and install band-pass filter
tomaszmrugalski commented 3 years ago

The airspy mini I ordered some time ago on eBay UK has arrived. Compared to RTL-SDR v3, it has the following parameters better:

I plan to test it tomorrow, as there are no usable passes tonight.

tomaszmrugalski commented 3 years ago

Just found a potentially good solution for both the LNA and a filter here: Sawbird+ NOAA.

tomaszmrugalski commented 3 years ago

I've tweaked the setup a bit. The Sawbird+ NOAA finally arrived. This is how the setup looks like right now.


I've also added velcro straps for easy attachment. The Sawbird filter requires power supply. One way to provide it is to use bias-Tee. We need to tweak the SDR-RTL configuration a bit and see if there's any difference.

tomaszmrugalski commented 3 years ago

Another change is that the omni TA-1 antenna has been moved to the other corner of the terrace. The downside is that it's now connected via 25m cable, but on the flipside we now have LNA and a filter. Also, the sky visibility there is a bit better. The roof obscures line of sight in the S-E direction. N, W, and S are all clear!


tomaszmrugalski commented 3 years ago

The AirSpy has arrived a long time ago, but it's currently being used for experiments with the X-Quad, see #3.

tomaszmrugalski commented 3 years ago

The setup is now connected to the AirSpy. The RTL-SDR v3 has been retired. May be still useful as a backup...