gut-space / svarog

📡 A ground stations network for receiving satellite transmissions, using VHF, UHF, and more.
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SoapySDR integration #39

Open fivitti opened 3 years ago

fivitti commented 3 years ago

We have new SDR! But it isn't compatible with librtlsdr tools. I think that our station should be independent on hardware.

We can use SoapySDR as layer between hardware and our software. It provides plugins for support many of SDRs.

I notice that PyPI has a Python-wrapper for it: SimpleSoapy. I think that we can use it in Python-based recipes.

fivitti commented 3 years ago

SoapySDR has own Python binding.

fivitti commented 3 years ago

I installed additional packages:

apt install soapysdr-tools python3-soapysdr
fivitti commented 3 years ago

We decided to use rx-tools.

For it I installed first: libsoapysdr-dev and next build the tools using official instruction. At end I also call make install.

tomaszmrugalski commented 3 years ago

SoaPy seems to be a good choice. This is what satnogs is using. See