gut-space / svarog

📡 A ground stations network for receiving satellite transmissions, using VHF, UHF, and more.
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Remove obs #51

Closed tomaszmrugalski closed 3 years ago

tomaszmrugalski commented 3 years ago

Recently the station had bias-T turned off and thus the NOAA LNA was attenuating the signal rather than amplifying it. As a result, there are lots of useless observations that we should get rid of. So I started working on the ability to delete observations. So far, this draft PR has the following additions:


Clicking this will conduct the following actions:

Missing items: unit-tests for the actual file deletion.

fivitti commented 3 years ago

Some conversations aren't resolved. Probably Github collapsed them in your UI. Check the button "Load more..." below the "8 hidden conversations" paragraph.