gut-space / svarog

📡 A ground stations network for receiving satellite transmissions, using VHF, UHF, and more.
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The command line options to set up directory does not work #97

Open tomaszmrugalski opened 9 months ago

tomaszmrugalski commented 9 months ago

The following command is supposed to set up the observation directory, but it doesn't:

$ python ./ config global --directory /home/thomson/devel/svarog/observations
Loading config file /home/thomson/.config/svarog/config.yml
{'aos_at': 0,
 'location': {'elevation': 100,
              'latitude': 54.3,
              'longitude': 18.4,
              'name': 'Gdansk'},
 'logging': {'level': 'WARNING'},
 'max_elevation_greater_than': 0,
 'norad': ['',
 'satellites': [{'freq': '137.62e6', 'name': 'NOAA 15', 'rate': 'analog'},
                {'freq': '137.9125e6', 'name': 'NOAA 18', 'rate': 'analog'},
                {'freq': '137.1e6', 'name': 'NOAA 19', 'rate': 'analog'},
                {'freq': '137.1e6',
                 'name': 'METEOR-M 2',
                 'rate': 'digital',
                 'recipe': 'meteor-qpsk'}],
 'server': {'id': '1',
            'secret': '<redacted>',
            'url': ''},
 'strategy': 'max-elevation'}