gut-space / svarog

📡 A ground stations network for receiving satellite transmissions, using VHF, UHF, and more.
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Local observations list implemented #98

Closed tomaszmrugalski closed 8 months ago

tomaszmrugalski commented 9 months ago

Here's the problem I'm trying to solve: there are many (over 4K in my case) observation directories with all sorts of artifacts from observations. Many of them are useless junk (e.g. because SDR or antenna was disconnected). This ended up with all sorts of states - useful observations with actual decoded images, useless with various failure modes (just wav file, only log complaining about SDR missing, long wav, but nothing decoded etc.).

This evolved a bit and this PR now contains the following:

Sadly, it does not contain any new tests...

tomaszmrugalski commented 9 months ago

In the current form, it's not possible to determine if an observation was uploaded or upload it later. The reason is that some crucial metadata (AOS, TCA) parameters are not recorded during observation storage on local disk.

Also, not possible to implement deleting local copy of an reservation that's been uploaded.