gutmann / coarray_icar

Testing implementation of CoArrays for the basic ICAR algorithms
MIT License
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Get Coarray ICAR to work with GCC 7 + OpenCoarrays on Cheyenne #27

Open rouson opened 6 years ago

rouson commented 6 years ago


@gutmann and I are thinking this is another good near-term focus.

gutmann commented 6 years ago

Is the only (known) thing stopping this the lack of >2D array puts (and maybe gets?) support in opencoarrays + gcc7? There probably aren't that many places in which that is used... we could try just making them loop through 2D arrays. It wouldn't be as efficient, but at least it would run.

rouson commented 6 years ago

Yes but I think the problem is even more severe: >1D arrays don't work. Nonetheless, I can imagine a couple of workarounds that I haven't a chance to test:

gutmann commented 6 years ago

Ouch, yes moving entirely to 1D arrays is not ideal... As long as all the coarray transfers are single threaded, it would be easy enough to make the actual coarrays be module variables instead of derived type components just by storing the coarray in the model that implements the derived type. It's not pretty, but it should be pretty quick and easy to implement with very little performance penalty and no major remapping of the code structure.

Sadly, even doing that might more effort than it will take to just fix opencoarrays, but I don't know how to do the latter.

rouson commented 6 years ago

I think @scrasmussen is likely to work on a fix for this so that's good news.

rouson commented 6 years ago

Here's a relevant example of pointer rank remapping:

$ cat pointer-rank-remap.f90 
program main
  implicit none

  integer, parameter :: n=2

  type foo
    integer :: array2D(n,n)=reshape([0,1,2,3],[n,n])
    integer, pointer :: array1D(:)=>null()
    integer, pointer :: array3D(:,:,:)=>null()
  end type

  type(foo), target :: bar

  print *,"shape(array2D), array2D: ",shape(bar%array2D),"           ",bar%array2D

  bar%array1D(1:size(bar%array2D)) => bar%array2D
  print *,"shape(array1D), array1D: ",shape(bar%array1D),"                       ",bar%array1D

  bar%array3D(1:size(bar%array2D,1),1:size(bar%array2D,2),1:1) => bar%array2D
  print *,"shape(array3D), array3D: ",shape(bar%array3D), bar%array3D
end program
$ gfortran pointer-rank-remap.f90 
$ ./a.out
 shape(array2D), array2D:            2           2                       0           1           2           3
 shape(array1D), array1D:            4                                   0           1           2           3
 shape(array3D), array3D:            2           2           1           0           1           2           3
rouson@localhost:~/Desktop$ gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (Homebrew GCC 7.2.0) 7.2.0
scrasmussen commented 6 years ago

@rouson Yes, that unit tests bug we had discussed has disappeared for me so I've started working on issue #511 which will be related to this