gutmensch / docker-dmarc-report

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Container fails to start #46

Closed majoragee closed 6 months ago

majoragee commented 6 months ago

I'm trying to setup docker-dmarc-report for the first time using the docker-compose.yml from the readme and the dmarc-report container will not start. I am getting absolutely nothing in the logs other than from mariadb, which starts successfully. A docker compose ps shows the container as health: starting for a minute or two before it finally does completely. At no point is the application connectable in the browser.

I'm not sure how to troubleshoot further without any logs. Thank you!

gutmensch commented 6 months ago

@majoragee Please provide the output of

docker ps


curl localhost:80 -v -s -o /dev/null


majoragee commented 6 months ago

I figured out the issue. I usually use IMAPS and forgot that the IMAP port for STARTTLS was blocked by the firewall. I switched the port and encryption method and I'm up and running. If there's any issue here, it's that it fails silently.

Thanks again for your work!