guybrush77 / rapidobj

A fast, header-only, C++17 library for parsing Wavefront .obj files.
MIT License
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Make CTest Optional #15

Closed K3rn1n4tor closed 2 months ago

K3rn1n4tor commented 1 year ago

We use rapidobj in a project and noticed that it includes CTest. However, since we perform our unit tests with catch2, CTest is not needed.

I would suggest that we simply add a global define that allows projects using Rapidobj to skip include(CTest) or any other test-related projects.

guybrush77 commented 1 year ago

There already exists RAPIDOBJ_BuildTests. So now I only include CTest when RAPIDOBJ_BuildTests is ON. Please take a look at the latest master. Does this fix your issue?

K3rn1n4tor commented 1 year ago

That should fix it, I'll test this by the end of the week. :) Thanks.

guybrush77 commented 2 months ago

Should be fixed in the new release (v1.1).