guylabs / ion-autocomplete

A configurable Ionic directive for an autocomplete dropdown
MIT License
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Add support for Ionic 3 #231

Open fdagher1 opened 7 years ago

fdagher1 commented 7 years ago

I have an Ionic 3 working project. When I add the ion-autocomplete script tag towards the end of index.html and run the application I get console error: > Uncaught ReferenceError: angular is not defined at ion-autocomplete.js:1

I'm adding: <script src=""></script>

guylabs commented 7 years ago

Hi @fdagher1

that has not been tested yet. As you see here: the latest version of Ionic is 1.3.2. If you like you can create a pull request if you can make it work on Ionic 3 then we could update it.

But currently I won't be able to work on that.

Thanks and regards


sivajik34 commented 6 years ago

Is there any update on this?

guylabs commented 6 years ago

Hi @sivajik34

not until now. But if you like, you can create a pull request with an update to Ionic 3.

Thanks and regards


sivajik34 commented 6 years ago

Just Yesterday started ionic.Actually, I'm PHP (Magento developer). I need to build small app for iphone ,android. I think it will take some time to grasp the things. after that, I will try to contribute.

sivajik34 commented 6 years ago

Even I don't know angular js. at this point can i downgrade ionic version so that I can use ion-autocomplete. Please give me a suggestion on this. I think if you spend some time on this it won't take much time to upgrade?

guylabs commented 6 years ago

You can always start with an Ionic 1.3.x project, but I would propose to start a new project with the latest version and then check what needs to be changed to make ion-autocomplete run on the latest Ionic.

sivajik34 commented 6 years ago

Can you give me some direction/ steps on this? From where I need to start? I mean converting js, CSS files into ionic 3. if you give little bit direction on this, sure I can convert to 3.

guylabs commented 6 years ago

@sivajik34 You need to first upgrade the Angular part and then see what API's changed in Ionic 3. Besides that you need to adapt all the tests (unit and e2e).

jrquick17 commented 4 years ago

You can checkout this repo.