guymass / FEISAFE-MyShop-Bot

A bot like craiglist that allows telegram users to create and manage items for sales, barters, giveaways and donations in a form of Videos and Images.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add New Category Conversation Handling Doesn't Work #1

Open guymass opened 6 months ago

guymass commented 6 months ago

Been trying to revive this project and complete it while also updating its old python-telegram-bot library and the rest of its code. This bot state conversation is done using python @ tags to be able to callback their functions, however currently I cannot get it to work properly and there is no information or error in the log. Currently I am working on the Admin Menu, designed to only work and appear for users who have their user_id in a specific user list. Those users will be able to administer the database and change things like removing and adding categories. In this case I am trying to manage my categories through using a menu where one button would ask a user to type a category name for deleting and one button will ask a name of a category to add. All information such as categories is retrieved from a mongo database where the bot stored all information it requires. The bot also uses Pickle Persistence to save user_data and chat_data however currently there is no effect on the Message filters when I send the category name to either add or remove a category.

The main file for handling the administration menu is call and is located under the entries directory. The main file of the bot is I am aware that there are more then a few functions in the project which are really not doing anything. That is because this is an extended copy of a previous project which was similar and I also wanted to duplicate and change some of the code and not rewrite it so I kept them for the time being until I will get to work on them. In time I will remove unneeded code section and have a more clear and clean code.

guymass commented 6 months ago

The following section is the file, I would appreciate anyone can review my code and help me figure the correct way to set the conversation with the bot so it can save data entered from the user.

from lib import deco from lib.database import db from emoji import emojize import logging from entries.welcome import welcome

from telegram import (ReplyKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineQueryResult, InlineQuery) from telegram.ext import (Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters, ConversationHandler, CallbackQueryHandler, PicklePersistence, Defaults) from telegram.ext import CallbackContext import urllib.parse import pymongo from mongoengine import * from pymongo import MongoClient import logging from telegram.ext import ConversationHandler, CallbackQueryHandler

logger = logging.getLogger(name)


username = urllib.parse.quote_plus('guy') password = urllib.parse.quote_plus('OVc8EBd@guy!') client = MongoClient('mongodb://%s:%s@' % (username, password), unicode_decode_error_handler='ignore')

db = client.bowto db_buttons = db['buttons']

def admin_menu(update, context): query = update.callback_query chat_id = data = message = "\U0001F3C1 תפריט אדמין \U0001F3C1" pending_posts = "ממתינים לאישור" manage_categories = "ניהול קטגוריות" manage_users = "ניהול משתמשים" analytics = "ניתוח נתונים"

# Define buttons for each admin option
buttons = [
    [InlineKeyboardButton(pending_posts, callback_data="cb_pending_posts")],
    [InlineKeyboardButton(manage_categories, callback_data="cb_manage_categories")],
    [InlineKeyboardButton(manage_users, callback_data="cb_manage_users")],
    [InlineKeyboardButton(analytics, callback_data="cb_analytics")],
    [InlineKeyboardButton("חזרה", callback_data="cb_main_menu")]

admin_keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)


def manage_categories(update, context): query = update.callback_query chat_id = query.message.chat_id

# Text for the manage categories menu
text = "ניהול קטגוריות\n\nבחר פעולה:"

# Define buttons for manage categories menu
buttons = [
    [InlineKeyboardButton("מחיקת קטגוריה", callback_data="cb_delete_category")],
    [InlineKeyboardButton("הוספת קטגוריה", callback_data="cb_add_category")],
    [InlineKeyboardButton("חזרה לתפריט קודם", callback_data="cb_admin_menu")]
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)

# Edit the message to display the manage categories menu
query.edit_message_text(text=text, reply_markup=reply_markup)

def delete_category(update, context): query = update.callback_query chat_id = query.message.chat_id

# Ask the user for the category name, text="בבקשה שלח את שם הקטגוריה שברצונך למחוק, או לחץ על 'ביטול' לחזרה לתפריט הקטגוריות:",
                         reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton("ביטול", callback_data="cb_cancel_delete")]]))

# Set the state to "waiting_for_category_name"
context.user_data['state'] = 'waiting_for_category_name'

def handle_category_name(update, context): chat_id = update.message.chat_id category_name = update.message.text

# Check if the category name exists in the buttons collection
cursor = db_buttons.find_one({"ButtonName": category_name})

if cursor:
    # Remove the category from the buttons collection
    db_buttons.delete_one({"ButtonName": category_name})

    # Send a confirmation message, text=f"קטגוריה '{category_name}' נמחקה בהצלחה!")
    # Send a message indicating that the category does not exist, text=f"הקטגוריה '{category_name}' לא נמצאה.")

# Return to the manage categories menu
manage_categories(update, context)

def cancel_delete(update, context): query = update.callback_query chat_id = query.message.chat_id

# Send a message indicating cancellation, text="פעולת מחיקת הקטגוריה בוטלה.")

# Return to the manage categories menu
manage_categories(update, context)

@deco.run_async @deco.global_command_handler("add_category") def add_category(update, context): context.user_data['state'] = 'waiting_for_category_name' query = update.callback_query chat_id = query.message.chat_id

# Define the cancel button
cancel_button = InlineKeyboardButton("ביטול", callback_data="cb_cancel_add_category")

# Create the message with the cancel button
message_text = "בבקשה שלח את שם הקטגוריה שברצונך להוסיף או לחץ על 'ביטול' לביטול הפעולה:"
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[cancel_button]])

# Send the message with the cancel button, text=message_text, reply_markup=reply_markup)


return context.user_data['state']

@deco.run_async @deco.global_command_handler("handle_new_category_name") def handle_new_category_name(update, context): chat_id = update.message.chat_id new_category_name = update.message.text state = context.user_data['state']

    # Check if the category name already exists
    cursor = db_buttons.find_one({"ButtonName": new_category_name})
    if cursor:, text=f"הקטגוריה '{new_category_name}' כבר קיימת.")
        # Insert the new category into the buttons collection
        db_buttons.insert_one({"ButtonName": new_category_name, "ButtonCb": new_category_name.lower()})

        # Send a confirmation message, text=f"הקטגוריה '{new_category_name}' נוספה בהצלחה!")

    context.user_data['state'] = ""
    # Return to the manage categories menu
    manage_categories(update, context)
    return context.user_data['state'], ConversationHandler.END
except Exception as e:
    # Handle any exceptions and log the error, text="An error occurred while adding the category."), text=str(e))  # Send error message
    logger.error(f"Error adding category: {e}")

    # Return to the manage categories menu
    return ConversationHandler.END

Create ConversationHandler

def fallback(update, context): update.message.reply_text("Sorry, I didn't understand that. Please try again.")

conv_handler = ConversationHandler( entry_points=[CallbackQueryHandler(add_category, pattern='^add_category$')], states={ WAITING_FOR_CATEGORY_NAME: [MessageHandler(Filters.text, handle_new_category_name)], }, fallbacks=[MessageHandler(Filters.all, fallback)], allow_reentry=True, per_message=True )

def cancel_add_category(update, context): query = update.callback_query chat_id = query.message.chat_id

# Send a message indicating cancellation, text="פעולת הוספת הקטגוריה בוטלה.")

# Return to the manage categories menu
manage_categories(update, context)

def back_to_main_menu(update, context):

Call the main menu function to display the main menu

admin_menu(update, context)