guysoft / CustomPiOS

A Raspberry Pi and other ARM devices distribution builder
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Question: Is it possible to use an .img instead of a zipped one #107

Closed masseelch closed 3 years ago

masseelch commented 3 years ago

Looks like it is not. Would be a nice feature though. I do a lot of builds and they could be fastened up a lot if the image decompressing step on start would be skipped when providing an already unzipped image.

I can provide (or at least try to) a contribution.

masseelch commented 3 years ago

I see there is this in custompios:

  if [[ $BASE_ZIP_IMG =~ \.img$ ]]; then
    # if the image is already extracted copy over
    cp "$BASE_ZIP_IMG" .
    7za x -aoa "$BASE_ZIP_IMG"

But i am not able to give the correct path to my extracted image. I always get Error: could not find image: ....

masseelch commented 3 years ago

Got it!

For everyone landing here: The custompios does its magic in the workspace folder. Adding this to my config:

export BASE_ZIP_IMG=../image/2021-01-11-raspios-buster-armhf.img

made it work.

guysoft commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting, if you think this should go anywhere in the documentation then you are welcome to put in the wiki or wherever you were searching the the solution.

masseelch commented 3 years ago

Might be a good idea to put a comment into config. This was the first place i was looking.