guysoft / CustomPiOS

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add podman module #183

Closed docgalaxyblock closed 1 year ago

docgalaxyblock commented 1 year ago

I like to share my progress adding a podman module.

It is not final - feel free to suggest changes.


WIP - Draft

guysoft commented 1 year ago

Cool, update when its ready :)

Also, it might be worth adding in the wiki some explanation about podman, I would love to understand myself how is it different than other container management tools such as docker-compose

docgalaxyblock commented 1 year ago

podman is an alternative to docker one main different thing is that it is daemon less as default

podman got my attention as I stumbled across this article If you have the time take a look at this blog systemd integration with optional auto update is very interesting for OpenMowerOS

When we have the first working version of OpenMowerOS with podman I will come back to this PR

guysoft commented 1 year ago

Hey, @docgalaxyblock Did you give up on the PR?

docgalaxyblock commented 1 year ago

No It looks like I have messed something up while I relocated all my cloned git stuff to my nas 😅

guysoft commented 1 year ago

Hope you didn't loose too much data. If you have a module to PR you are welcome to do so :)

docgalaxyblock commented 1 year ago

Since we use podman at OpenMowerOS I probably lost nothing 😉 But that version has no distrochecks currently...

I need to find time to learn bash scripting until I can revisit this PR I will force push what we have at OpenMowerOS soon:tm: so I can reopen this again

guysoft commented 1 year ago

Ok, cool, you can also add OpenMowerOS here if it has a working build: