guysoft / FullPageOS

A raspberrypi distro to display a full page browser on boot
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to set FullPageDashboard tabs #36

Open tailorvj opened 7 years ago

tailorvj commented 7 years ago

Connect to http://fullpageos.local/FullPageDashboard/ from another computer on the same network and edit dashboard tabs as you wish, then restart the raspberry pi

You can set the time for each tab by clicking the timer icon on the top left

dnadales commented 6 years ago

What if you want to do this programatically? I see there is a urls.json file that gets read, but no idea where this JSON file is supossed to be placed...

guysoft commented 6 years ago

@capitanbatata YOu can edit urls.json, and it will only be considered in the first boot (So you need to edit it before you boot). Also there is an api script in php (which is not maintained)

dnadales commented 6 years ago

Thanks. The question is in which directory this file has to be placed (root?, /vat/www/?). And what is the format? I assume something like

  "title": "Some title",
  "url": "some url"
guysoft commented 6 years ago

I think from what you are describing you can just use /boot/fullpagedashboard.txt

esaruoho commented 6 years ago

I'm confused. Can I just run multiple URLs on multiple lines to /boot/fullpagedashboard.txt or am I stuck with the clunky index.php created for FullPageDashboard - which shows a "tab" and doesn't show the pages at full size (resized) - instead showing a scrollbar on the right and a tab with the timer on the top corner.

guysoft commented 6 years ago

@esaruoho You can stop using FullPageDashbaord, or you can write better code for it.

jmcgeheeiv commented 5 years ago

urls.json is in /var/www/html/FullPageDashboard/urls.json. Modify this file to directly control the multiple URLs displayed. Note that this file is created by FullPageDashboard.

According to @tailorvj above, you can set the time for each tab by clicking the timer icon on the top left. If you prefer, I saw in one of the JavaScript files that each page is displayed for 30 seconds. Search for "30" and replace this with the number of seconds you want.

thecuriouskid commented 5 years ago

@guysoft May I ask if there is a way to have different URLs located at /boot/fullpageos.txt?

Also when adding another Tab on the FullPageDashboard, I am getting this error below. What could be the reason about it? Thanks.

guysoft commented 5 years ago

@thecuriouskid Please read the issue. Regarding your url. please provide it.

thecuriouskid commented 5 years ago

@guysoft Sorry for the confusion. What I mean is that could I insert multiple URLs in /boot/fullpageos.txt and where they will be switching from time to time? Like this one below.

guysoft commented 5 years ago

@thecuriouskid See I says what you can do, its inside this issue. /boot/fullpageos.txt sets the main page, not the urls inside FullPageDashboard which controls the multiple tabs.

thecuriouskid commented 5 years ago

@guysoft Yes, I understand that it should be under that one. But could it also be done at /boot/fullpageos.txt?

guysoft commented 5 years ago

No, that would make the configuration files ambiguous.

jarsiv commented 4 years ago

I tried to display multiple URLs with FullPageDashboard. By editing /boot/fullpagedashboard.txt I got 404 - not found error. This for example With CTRL+T and entering the same address it works.

What might be the problem?

I also tried to modify /var/www/html/FullPageDashboard/urls.json, obviously it doesn't still work.

Displaying one external URL works fine with /boot/fullpageos.txt

Version is 2019-06-17_2019-04-08-fullpageos-stretch-lite-0.10.0

guysoft commented 4 years ago

@jarsiv Use the gui. done edit /boot/fullpagedashboard.txt , that only works on first boot

varac commented 4 years ago

@guysoft Can you please udpate the with a clear documentation how to provision fullpageos with multiple URLs which gets cycled ? I think this is a very popular use case and even after reading this issue (after I found it) I'm still not sure how to do it properly (i.e. do the URLS need to get slashes escaped ?).

guysoft commented 4 years ago

@varac Yes that should be done and would close this old issue. BTW pull request are welcome, its not high priority here.

Tl;dr edit /boot/fullpagedashboard.txt and it only works on first boot.

DarrylHodges commented 10 months ago

when you edit the fullpageos.txt and point it to the fullpagedashboard, make sure you type it in case correct, as it is case sensitive. Then you can browse to the site and add in the sites with the gui.