guysoft / FullPageOS

A raspberrypi distro to display a full page browser on boot
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.79k stars 229 forks source link

FullPageOS 0.13.0 RC1 status #412

Closed guysoft closed 7 months ago

guysoft commented 2 years ago

FullPageOS 0.13.0 first release candidate.


Download md5: 18eb778724db18af7fe934adb7a79832

no-acceleration variant md5: ded199d21e28336386a14aa19793dfd4

TiWe1998 commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately I have a problem with the build. After exactly 10 minutes, the screen goes black. According to the Internet probably a screensaver. However, I should first install one to deactivate it... Can't you solve it differently?

thedumbterminal commented 2 years ago

This is the script that disables the power management:

If you run that script manually on your device it should execute without error and disable power management, just like it should on boot up.

The operation of the script can be tested by running the following example:



if [[ "${DISABLE_POWER_MANAGEMENT}" == 'yes' ]];
  echo "disabling power management"
Kevinsky86 commented 1 year ago

Is this still beeing worked on?

guysoft commented 1 year ago

Hey, yes it is, I am just swamped with work and did not get time to get to it at all. If it works for you It would help me determine if its stable. At the moment I only had people saying it does not work.

kevin2xk commented 11 months ago

Hi, does anyone know how to fix the standby after 10 minutes? I have the same issue. Will the above script fix the issue permanently?

thedumbterminal commented 11 months ago

@kevin2xk are you running a window manager? If so then the start_gui script should be being run on start up, this will disable screen blanking

kevin2xk commented 11 months ago

@thedumbterminal Thanks for your reply, unfortunately I don't know what a window manager is in this context. Everything works, except the standby issue after ~10 minutes. I just stumbled upon the screen blanking option in the raspi-config menu and disabled that. Also there seems to be a config.txt option called hdmi_blanking=0, maybe adding that will help? I will try this now.

This is the content in my start_gui file:



Stop the screen from turning off when idle.


Rotate screen if needed, see 'xrandr -h' for options.


if ["${DISPLAY_ORIENTATION}" != 'normal']; then xrandr --orientation ${DISPLAY_ORIENTATION} fi

if ["${DISABLE_POWER_MANAGEMENT}" == 'yes']; then xset s off # don't activate screensaver xset -dpms # disable DPMS (Energy Star) features. xset s noblank # don't blank the video device fi

compton -b -d :0 --backend glx --unredir-if-possible --glx-swap-method buffer-a> matchbox-window-manager & `

thedumbterminal commented 11 months ago

does your matchbox-window-manager start correctly? (trying to check if this script is being used)

kevin2xk commented 11 months ago

I'm sorry, I don't know how I can check this. I'm new to Raspberry Pi and Unix. :( I tried to run the three xset commands from the start_gui file manually and this is the output: xset: unable to open display ""

thedumbterminal commented 11 months ago

Does your raspberry pi have a screen? if so does it show windows and icons etc?

You cant run the above commands if you are ssh'ed into your pi as it will need to be from a console window via your raspberry screen

kevin2xk commented 11 months ago

I understand. Thanks for the explanation. I have a screen attached via HDMI and I can see the website as set in the fullpageos.txt file.

Right now it seems to be OK. I entered sudo raspi-config, and from "2 Display Options" I chose "D4 Screen Blanking" and selected "No". After a reboot, the screen doesn't turn off after 10 minutes. :)

Do you happen to know if there is a config.txt switch I can use to set this to no?

guysoft commented 9 months ago

I think at this point it can be released.

guysoft commented 7 months ago

Released Sorry for the delay: