guysoft / FullPageOS

A raspberrypi distro to display a full page browser on boot
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Grafana dashboard not opening on bootup #470

Closed Khizar-Akhtar closed 12 months ago

Khizar-Akhtar commented 1 year ago

Fullpageos is a great way to open web kiosk and i have using it for many purposes. but i am facing problem that i am unable to open grafana dashboard on bootup.

What were you doing?

I am trying to open grafana dashboard on chromium through corporate network on raspberry pi 4b on boot.

What did you expect to happen?

it should open the grafana dashboard on booting as i have installed the certificates and provided domain name in etc/host file. I am able to open grafana dashboard on separate tab by pressing ctrl+t

What happened instead?

On bootup it is showing black screen with mouse cursor on bootup

Was there an error message displayed? What did it say?

No there was not any error just the black screen with mouse cursor on it

Version of FullPageOS?

version is 0.13.0

I am able to open grafana dashboard on a separate chromium tab. so i believe it cannot be certificate or domain issue. But only problem is that it will not open grafana on bootup.

guysoft commented 1 year ago


  1. Might it be that the Pi has no internet access? It starts chromium only after it detects an internet connection:

  2. Did you try setting a different url to see if it works?
  3. 0.13.0 has not been released yet, did you try the stable version too?
Khizar-Akhtar commented 1 year ago

Hi ,

1) Yes it has the internet access , as i am able to open other websites e.g google or youtube.

2) Yes different urls are working on bootup if i change the url from boot/fullpageos.txt file

3) Yes i tried stable version but in stable version i am unable to install libnss3-tool package ,as i need it to install certificates using certutil . These certificates are necessary to open grafana dash board on a corporate network

guysoft commented 1 year ago

Not sure how to debug this. I guess you could try a publicly accessible grafana, eg:

Khizar-Akhtar commented 12 months ago

Hi ,Thanks for your reply.

i was able to solve this by commenting out following lines in home/pi/scripts/run_onepageos

while true
#    if [[ $(curl -sL -b cookiefile -w "%{http_code}\\n" "$(/home/pi/scripts/get_url)" -o /dev/null) =~ ^([23][0-9]{2,2}|401)$ ]] || #grep -q disabled "/boot/check_for_httpd" ; then
      xdotool mousemove 9000 9000
  #  fi
    sleep 1
Khizar-Akhtar commented 12 months ago

closing issue