guysoft / FullPageOS

A raspberrypi distro to display a full page browser on boot
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Use chromium bundled with New Raspbian PIXEL version 2016-09-23 #75

Closed guysoft closed 7 years ago

guysoft commented 7 years ago

Ok good news. Looks like the Pi foundation released a new build of chromium that they are bundling with the official RaspberryPI. See release note:s for 2016-09-23. * Chromium web browser included. It seems like it will also use the hardware acceleration in the Pi for video playback. So this fixes a lot of issues at once This has a potential to fix the following issues:

66 #29 #22

rojepp commented 7 years ago

Looking forward to this. Wish I knew how to help.. :-/

guysoft commented 7 years ago

At the moment the build is getting Hash Sum mismatch errors, so we need to wait till the repos start working again.

tailorvj commented 7 years ago

It seems like we'd forecast the PIXEL release :) It also includes VNC and node.js out of the box

anthonywebb commented 7 years ago

Has this been integrated yet in the nightly builds? We are trying to set up some devices but would prefer to have the latest and greatest

anthonywebb commented 7 years ago

@guysoft you think fullpageos will work with this latest release from pi foundation? I'd like to give it a try when it is ready. Thanks!

anthonywebb commented 7 years ago

For those of you hoping that the new chromium build would solve the mp4 playback issues, it appears to have helped a bit, but its in no way a replacement for omxplayer, the new pixel interface is great though

guysoft commented 7 years ago

Ok, So here is a new build, I didn't pay with the chromium installation yet, so I encourage you guys to try and install the PIXEL installation which should be in the repos: image: md5

guysoft commented 7 years ago

Ok, had a chance to test that nightly, there dosn't seem to be anychromium-browser package, only rpi-chromium-mods which has a flashplugin in it. Any insight would he helpful

NoviCMS commented 7 years ago

Great, going to try the PIXEL installation!

guysoft commented 7 years ago

I made another PIXEL installation one with the full image, that could also be tested, since I can't see a package for the PIXEL chromium-browser available:

NoviCMS commented 7 years ago

Oké, i a'm missing the hardware acceleration on my RPI 3, is there any way to enable this? are they working on it? Not only for video but also for CSS3 transitions and jquery animations.

Is it possible to make a epiphany-browser build? epiphany-browser seems to do things much better.

guysoft commented 7 years ago


  1. What image are you using out of the 2?
  2. How are you testing for acceleration? Are you talking about 2D or 3D?
NoviCMS commented 7 years ago

@guysoft 1: i am using the first image and the master branch 2: i am using the image for my RPI kiosk with touchscreen. (24" 1080p with toch overlay) This is my test site: when opening a menu or scrolling down the page it becomes laggy. (i have tested many distro's on RPI3)

NoviCMS commented 7 years ago

going to try now. i hope the jpg bug is fixed.

NoviCMS commented 7 years ago

This build: is by far the best i have seen till now. maybe you could create a build from this one? if i boot the image the browser does not start. also fullpageos.local is not set.

Also the jpg bug is fixed in this release.

guysoft commented 7 years ago


  1. Can you be specific to what is good there?
  2. The browser does not start in if so why is it the best?
NoviCMS commented 7 years ago

Hey @guysoft

1: video's play smooth(er), jps are displayed, overall experiënce is better. 2: The browser does not start automatically after boot, i was able to start it using the menu.

Needs editing: boot splashscreen, browser start, remove gui (menu background etc.) fix fullpageos.local

NoviCMS commented 7 years ago

@guysoft can you create a img from the PIXEL installation with the full image with working fullpageos.local, and browser start?

NoviCMS commented 7 years ago

@guysoft i see that the build has gone wrong, at the base there is a folder "filesystem" in there are the config files etc.... i will try to cp all to /

guysoft commented 7 years ago

If there is a menu it means the special lightdm session isn't starting. Thats the problem.

NoviCMS commented 7 years ago

no success so far, i will look into it in a couple of days

matt7277 commented 7 years ago

Using the 10/23 Nightly build on a RaspberryPi 3 and also noticing that Chromium fails to launch. If you launch manually, the http://localhost/Welcome and http://localhost/FullPageDashboard do Not load. Is there a way to start these (maybe a service?) via shell script?

guysoft commented 7 years ago

This is known, it requires to change how the custom session starts on pixel. Again, help would be great because I am busy with my startup company.

guysoft commented 7 years ago

New image ( 2016-11-25) was released, and has this written as a change: Updates to hardware video acceleration in Chromium browser

Will build a nightly with it so we can see if it changes anything