guysoft / LibrePhotosOS

An out of the box Raspberry Pi distro with LibrePhotos installed.
GNU General Public License v3.0
10 stars 1 forks source link

Can't view the webview on http://librephotosos.local or http://librephotosos.lan #6

Open derneuere opened 2 years ago

derneuere commented 2 years ago

Two users on discord installed the image, but could not navigate to the web view to finish up the first time setup. They only got a connection refused error. Adding the port 3000 to the URL also didn't help. I don't have a Raspberry Pi right now to debug this, but any comment or idea what could be the issue would be greatly appreciated.

guysoft commented 2 years ago
  1. Is their pi conected to the internet to pull the image?
  2. what is the output of sudo docker ps
  3. What is the output of sudo systemctl status docker-conpose?
Rohazon commented 2 years ago
  1. Is their pi conected to the internet to pull the image?

    1. what is the output of sudo docker ps

    2. What is the output of sudo systemctl status docker-conpose?

Hello, new user here and having same issue, here is ouptut you are asking (pi is connected to internet)

ubuntu@librephotosos:~$ sudo docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES

ubuntu@librephotosos:~$ sudo systemctl status docker-conpose Unit docker-conpose.service could not be found.

dgi816 commented 2 years ago

Hello, New user here too. seems like I have the same set up and the same issue I was able to view the webview (librephotosos.local/) by running the following command: ssh-keygen -R "you server hostname or ip" I ran this command out of my computer (not the raspberry pi) thru ssh I had been playing with other OS and I might have messed up things but this seems to fix it