Occasionally when I print, Octoprint fails out on a print with the state changing to: "Offline: SerialException: 'device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)' @ comm.py:_readline:1792".
I wasn't sure where to go for this issue, but the guidelines for the Octoprint repository said "This is not the repository for Octopi," so I came here. Hope this log will help.
I'm still experimenting with different configuration cocktails to figure out what works and what doesn't. I have a Monoprice Maker Select v2 (Wanhao Duplicator i3). Right now, I'm trying to use a cable with a ferrite bead near the pi, stepper timeout disabled, and no SD card in the printer.
Its not an OctoPi issue, unless the serial driver or something like that.
But more probable its a hardware issue with the printer or power to the Pi. Have you tried any other host controller?
Occasionally when I print, Octoprint fails out on a print with the state changing to: "Offline: SerialException: 'device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)' @ comm.py:_readline:1792".
I wasn't sure where to go for this issue, but the guidelines for the Octoprint repository said "This is not the repository for Octopi," so I came here. Hope this log will help. octoprint.txt
I'm still experimenting with different configuration cocktails to figure out what works and what doesn't. I have a Monoprice Maker Select v2 (Wanhao Duplicator i3). Right now, I'm trying to use a cable with a ferrite bead near the pi, stepper timeout disabled, and no SD card in the printer.