guysoft / OctoPi

Scripts to build OctoPi, a Raspberry PI distro for controlling 3D printers over the web
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.45k stars 367 forks source link

Octoprint on TrueNas Jail #775

Closed riccardokhm closed 2 years ago

riccardokhm commented 2 years ago

Hi Everyone, I successfully installed Octoprint on a TrueNas jail as explained in, updating pyhton and all the other packages. The question is now how to configure the webcam usage? I am not able to find the octopi.txt file, at least in the same location as in Ubuntu. Does mjpg come already installed with Octoprint? Has anyone tried this solution? The FreeBSD versione is 12.3. Thanks in advance,

guysoft commented 2 years ago

Octopi.txt is part of OctoPi, not OctoPrint. This is the issue tracker of OctoPi, not OctoPrint. From what I understand you didn't install OctoPi.