guywaldman / magic-cli

Command line utility to make you a magician in the terminal
MIT License
673 stars 17 forks source link

Generation error: Response from LLM is not in JSON format #15

Open theotherp opened 1 month ago

theotherp commented 1 month ago
❯ magic-cli config list
Field: llm
Value: "openai"
Description: The LLM to use for generating responses. Supported values: "ollama", "openai"

Field: ollama.base_url
Value: "http://localhost:11434"
Description: The base URL of the Ollama API.

Field: ollama.embedding_model
Value: "nomic-embed-text:latest"
Description: The model to use for generating embeddings.

Field: ollama.model
Value: "codestral:latest"
Description: The model to use for generating responses.

Field: openai.api_key (secret)
Value: **********************************************************
Description: The API key for the OpenAI API.

Field: openai.embedding_model
Value: "gpt-4o"
Description: The model to use for generating embeddings.

Field: openai.model
Value: "gpt-4o"
Description: The model to use for generating responses.

Field: suggest.add_to_history
Value: false
Description: Whether to add the suggested command to the shell history.

Field: suggest.mode
Value: "clipboard"
Description: The mode to use for suggesting commands. Supported values: "clipboard" (copying command to clipboard), "unsafe-execution" (executing in the current shell session)
❯ magic-cli suggest "get kubernetes pods with most memory usage in all namespaces"
Generating suggested command for prompt "get kubernetes pods with most memory usage in all namespaces"...

Error: Generation error: Generation error: Response from LLM is not in JSON format

Version: magic-cli 0.0.2

❯ magic-cli sys-info
System information as detected by the CLI:

OS: Windows
OS version: 10 (19045)
CPU architecture: x86_64
Shell: pwsh
tnorthcutt commented 1 month ago

Ran into this myself as well. Here's my version, config, system info, and attempt:

» magic-cli --version  
magic-cli 0.0.2
» magic-cli config list
Field: llm 
Value: "openai"
Description: The LLM to use for generating responses. Supported values: "ollama", "openai"

Field: ollama.base_url 
Value: "http://localhost:11434"
Description: The base URL of the Ollama API.

Field: ollama.embedding_model 
Value: "nomic-embed-text:latest"
Description: The model to use for generating embeddings.

Field: ollama.model 
Value: "codestral:latest"
Description: The model to use for generating responses.

Field: openai.api_key (secret)
Value: **********************************************************
Description: The API key for the OpenAI API.

Field: openai.embedding_model 
Value: "text-embedding-ada-002"
Description: The model to use for generating embeddings.

Field: openai.model 
Value: "gpt-4o"
Description: The model to use for generating responses.

Field: suggest.add_to_history 
Value: false
Description: Whether to add the suggested command to the shell history.

Field: suggest.mode 
Value: "clipboard"
Description: The mode to use for suggesting commands. Supported values: "clipboard" (copying command to clipboard), "unsafe-execution" (executing in the current shell session)
» magic-cli sys-info                                             
System information as detected by the CLI:

OS: Darwin
OS version: 14.5
CPU architecture: arm64
Shell: zsh
» magic-cli suggest "convert all png to jpg in current directory"
Generating suggested command for prompt "convert all png to jpg in current directory"...

Error: Generation error: Generation error: Response from LLM is not in JSON format
guywaldman commented 1 month ago

Thanks folks. This is an "alignment" issue, I have some ideas around that. Will fix this as soon as possible.

cc @Ronbalt