guyyatsu / CryptocurrencyTechnicalAnalysis

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Bring In Other People Who Want to Help lol. #3

Open guyyatsu opened 2 months ago

guyyatsu commented 2 months ago

Learn about Fucking Finance.

This is specifically a call out for you, Jim. I need you to do some research on how to buy and sell as stock. I need you to familiarize yourself with Bitcoin, and maybe take some time to really sit beside yourself and rationalize the mechanics behind being poor and buying money.

Once you have achieved some modicum of comfortability with owning an asset, I need you to read up on the Alpaca API and get hip to using it to buy and sell bitcoin.

From there, your third task is to familiarize yourself with the machine learning side of things. Specifically, I need you to research Quantum Tables, and the mechanics behind how they work.