guzba / sunny

JSON in Nim with Go-like field tags.
MIT License
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Generics and custom field pragma #2

Open guzba opened 7 months ago

guzba commented 7 months ago

Elegantbeef pointed out that generics present a problem for the custom pragma approach used by Sunny for the Go-like field tags. Some notes:

type JsonField[S: static string] = distinct S
type MYType[T] = object
  x: T
proc jsonName(_: typedesc[MyType], _: JsonField["x"]): string = "Real name"

In the above example you cannot do x {.json: "MYJsonName".}: T As the pragma is lost in generic ast

import std/macros

template myPragma() {.pragma.}

type MyType[T] = object
  x: T

var a = MyType[int](x: 100)
assert not a.x.hasCustomPragma(myPragma)

From Discord as a last resort

guzba commented 6 months ago