gvas / knockout-jqueryui

Knockout bindings for the jQuery UI widgets.
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Selectmenu selection does not change observable value #41

Closed bernesto closed 9 years ago

bernesto commented 9 years ago

When changing the value of a selectmenu, the underlying observable does not change. If listening to the the "change" event on the selectmenu, and triggering a "change" event on the underlying select element, it does then work.

gvas commented 9 years ago

@bernesto: the underlying observable you mentioned is an observable bound to knockout's value binding, isn't it?

<select data-bind="selectmenu: {}, value: valueObservable">...</select>
bernesto commented 9 years ago

Yes. Something similar to this:

<select data-bind="selectmenu: myOptions, value:  myValue">...</select>

var myModel = {
    myOptions : ko.observableArray(['Opt 1', 'Opt 2']),
    myValue : ko.observable('')

Also, I couldn't get it working with an array of objects bound to the label either.

It renders fine, it just will not perform two-way binding in either case for the myValue property. I can put together a more detailed example if needed.

gvas commented 9 years ago

No need for a more detailed example, thanks. The jQuery UI selectmenu widget uses a custom event (selectmenuchange) to indicate that the select's value changed. Knockout's value binding listens to the standard change event, so it can't update the bound observable. The solution will be to modify my selectmenu binding to trigger change in the selectmenuchange's handler, basically it should act as a bridge between the two events. Actually I have already implemented this in the developer branch, I am going to merge it into master and make a new release.

bernesto commented 9 years ago

Awesome. That is what I was thinking too. Glad to see you are on top of it.

Seems like this might be the case in some of the other jQuery UI controls that have non-standard events plus properties that could be bound to observables. (e.g. spinner, tabs, menu, accordion) I have not used them yet in this project, but they have similar usage scenarios. What do you think?

gvas commented 9 years ago

Oops, it was closed accidentally.

gvas commented 9 years ago

Fixed in v2.2.0.