gvenzl / oci-oracle-free

Build scripts for Oracle Database FREE container/docker images
Apache License 2.0
113 stars 28 forks source link

SQL Developer Connection #32

Closed MJCandil closed 6 months ago

MJCandil commented 7 months ago


Thank you for your great tutorial posted https://itnext.io/oracle-on-arm-mac-m1-m2-docker-images-99ed67ed6ba6.

I was able to create the image and the test using the Mac terminal worked without issues. I'm now trying to connect SQL Developer installed in my Mac with Oracle but I'm getting the error "Invalid username/password". I've read all the documentation in the Read.me file and have tried lots of combinations but I keep getting this error. Here's my input:

Role: SYSDBA Hostname: Port: 1521 Service name: FREEPDB1

What's the Username and Password? I have not made any changes to the original installation, I followed your instructions to the dot.

I am able to create the connection using the default Role, but I need to be SYSDBA.

Thank you for your help!

gvenzl commented 6 months ago

Hi @MJCandil,

Thanks a lot for your kind words but I'm afraid there must be a mistake.

It wasn't me who wrote the tutorial on itnext.io, nor are the images shown in the post from this repository but a derivative.


Fleury93 commented 6 months ago

Hi @gvenzl, I appreciate your effort, you do amazing work. Maybe you can include the ARM build of Oracle 19 in your repositories. It seems to me only download ARM Oracle and use your script to build images enough.

@MJCandil I am using build for ARM on my Apple silicon too. SYSDBA works for me.

Docker run: docker run -p 1521:1521 -e ORACLE_PASSWORD="system" oracle/database:19.3.0-ee-slim-faststart . Oracle connection string: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/FREEPDB1 Oracle user: sys as sysdba Oracle password: system

Try it, should work.

MJCandil commented 6 months ago

@gvenzl, Well, thank you for providing the origins!

@Fleury93 , It did work, thank you so much, really appreciate your help!