gvergnaud / hotscript

A library of composable functions for the type-level! Transform your TypeScript types in any way you want using functions you already know.
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[Feature Request] [Contributions Welcome] Performance benchmarks #7

Open gvergnaud opened 1 year ago

gvergnaud commented 1 year ago

We should add some tooling to easily compare how changes affect type-checking performance

ecyrbe commented 1 year ago

Yes, automating this will require using tsc compiler to :

I'm not too familiar with ts language server. first two should not pose any challenge

gvergnaud commented 1 year ago

This looks very interesting https://github.com/arktypeio/arktype/blob/d90ca63/dev/test/operator.bench.ts

webNeat commented 10 months ago

I am working on a library that may be helpful https://github.com/webNeat/ts-perf

it's still in beta as I am still experimenting different approaches to it.

My goal is to have a command line that can do the following

$ ts-perf tests/**/*.bench.ts

tests/foo.bench.ts  124ms
tests/bar.bench.ts   241ms
g4rcez commented 5 months ago

Arktype now has a benchmark tool. This can be useful for tests and benchmarks