gvorbeck / codex-quest

Character creator for BFRPG
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
7 stars 5 forks source link

Post v2.0 Roadmap #216

Open gvorbeck opened 8 months ago

gvorbeck commented 8 months ago



Known Bugs

drgerard commented 7 months ago

It looks like your app isn't factoring in the Dex Bonus when setting the AC. My thief is wearing studded leather and has a Dex of +2 so the AC should be 16 not 14..

gvorbeck commented 7 months ago

It looks like your app isn't factoring in the Dex Bonus when setting the AC. My thief is wearing studded leather and has a Dex of +2 so the AC should be 16 not 14..

That indeed would be a bug! Good catch. Can you supply me with the URL to your character so that I can verify and work on a solution? I plan on doing some work on the site tonight and should be able to solve this then. Thanks again.

drgerard commented 7 months ago


Hope you don't mind but I have a few more things to send in as well.. I'll run them through Github though so you can track them.

gvorbeck commented 7 months ago

I don't mind at all! please document them in github and I will go through them tonight.

BTW your email signature was added to your last response. I edited your comment to remove it as it had a bunch of personal information.

drgerard commented 7 months ago

I'm not a fan of adding equipment being locked when you don't have any gold. There are plenty of ways to gather equipment that aren't based on buying it. Scrounging it off of dead bodies or finding it in a treasure trove come to mind. Yeah I'll reply here because my email is set to my work account since we also use Github.

drgerard commented 7 months ago

Last thing.. Custom equipment, specifically magic weapons. It didn't blow up so I'm assuming that making the damage 1d6+1 adds the 1 to the damage BUT there is no way to add the magic weapons attack bonus to the overall attack bonus. Probably not a big deal unless you are using your 'attack' button to roll the dice. I can't imagine trying to figure out how to add magic items in general is going to be fun! I appreciate your work on this app!

gvorbeck commented 7 months ago

Great suggestions. Let me mull it over this evening while I make dinner. I think there are solutions to all of these issues. Thank you for the kind words. Talk to you later.

drgerard commented 7 months ago

OK another bug(?).. Same character that I sent you. He's a thief, his weight is 'lightly loaded' and he is wearing studded leather and it says his movement speed is 20'. This should be 30'. I have to admit though its not real clear in the EE where leather armor stops and metal armor begins but I would assume its still considered leather. Table this one for a bit while I get some clarification from the Discord channel because it does say you sacrifice some mobility. Edit: So the consensus in the Discord is its leather as far as calculating movement.

drgerard commented 7 months ago

When creating custom armor.. The AC you set doesn't show up at all and wearing it is like wearing no armor at all.. Also might be a good idea to add a 'leather/metal feature so it can set movement speed or maybe a field to just type in the movement speed? Also these custom armors can't be deleted from your inventory either.

drgerard commented 7 months ago

Man I feel bad submitting all these but found another issue with this character https://codex.quest/u/LeQUbbYwr3MXEnnl7K7baKc1ZWC2/c/5Soxj7R18I4i9PTWZX5J I'm using a Mace which is a standard one handed weapon but its not allowing me to equip a shield. Not sure if those two issues are related but I figured maybe its thinking I can't have a shield with a two handed weapon?

gvorbeck commented 7 months ago

It looks like your app isn't factoring in the Dex Bonus when setting the AC. My thief is wearing studded leather and has a Dex of +2 so the AC should be 16 not 14..

:white_check_mark: This has been fixed. I missed that sentence in the rulebook and never added the DEX bonus to AC. It is now added to the calculation.

I'm not a fan of adding equipment being locked when you don't have any gold. There are plenty of ways to gather equipment that aren't based on buying it. Scrounging it off of dead bodies or finding it in a treasure trove come to mind. Yeah I'll reply here because my email is set to my work account since we also use Github.

:white_check_mark: This has been fixed. When building a new character, the EquipmentStore will be disabled until the user gives the character gold (there is another bug I know of where it allows you to keep buying even after you reach 0 but I'll fix that another day). Now, when you are trying to add equipment to a character that already exists the EquipmentStore will be enabled at all times.

Edit: I may actually alter this in the future to add a slider. It would be on the modal window above the EquipmentStore that has the options PURCHASED or ACQUIRED. With PURCHASED being the default. When PURCHASED is selected, adding equipment will be "purchased" (gold deducted). Sliding it to ACQUIRED would treat added equipment as "free" (no gold deducted). This will prevent the purchased goods from becoming inadvertently free, and will provide the option of getting goods from another means. For now, users should credit themselves back gold on their character sheet for incorrect deductions.

Last thing.. Custom equipment, specifically magic weapons. It didn't blow up so I'm assuming that making the damage 1d6+1 adds the 1 to the damage BUT there is no way to add the magic weapons attack bonus to the overall attack bonus. Probably not a big deal unless you are using your 'attack' button to roll the dice. I can't imagine trying to figure out how to add magic items in general is going to be fun! I appreciate your work on this app!

:eight_pointed_black_star: It's not immediately clear to me what you're trying to describe here. Mind reexplaining it like I'm 5?

OK another bug(?).. Same character that I sent you. He's a thief, his weight is 'lightly loaded' and he is wearing studded leather and it says his movement speed is 20'. This should be 30'. I have to admit though its not real clear in the EE where leather armor stops and metal armor begins but I would assume its still considered leather. Table this one for a bit while I get some clarification from the Discord channel because it does say you sacrifice some mobility. Edit: So the consensus in the Discord is its leather as far as calculating movement.

:white_check_mark: This has been fixed. My code was not properly finding the character's weight so it assumed the character was heavily loaded at all times, giving the user the wrong movement. It now finds the character's weight properly.

When creating custom armor.. The AC you set doesn't show up at all and wearing it is like wearing no armor at all.. Also might be a good idea to add a 'leather/metal feature so it can set movement speed or maybe a field to just type in the movement speed? Also these custom armors can't be deleted from your inventory either.

:white_check_mark: See comment below this one.

Man I feel bad submitting all these but found another issue with this character https://codex.quest/u/LeQUbbYwr3MXEnnl7K7baKc1ZWC2/c/5Soxj7R18I4i9PTWZX5J I'm using a Mace which is a standard one handed weapon but its not allowing me to equip a shield. Not sure if those two issues are related but I figured maybe its thinking I can't have a shield with a two handed weapon?

Why feel bad? This is so valuable to me. It's very hard to QA your own work, and all you're doing is making the site better. I really appreciate this.

:white_check_mark: This is fixed. A typo was preventing shields from being worn.

These fixes are in v2.0.7

Let me know when you discover more.

gvorbeck commented 7 months ago

✅ NEWLY created Custom Armor will now have working AC. PREVIOUSLY created Custom Armor will remain broken.

✅ You can now delete custom armor and shields.

✅ Creating custom armor now includes a LIGHT/HEAVY armor switch (I did not use material names like leather and metal in case users want to imagine their armor made by other materials).

These fixes are in v2.0.8

The-Sovereign-Psiocrat commented 7 months ago

I don't know where to post general questions, is there a way to add spells to a wizard/illusionist without leveling them up?

gvorbeck commented 7 months ago

I don't know where to post general questions, is there a way to add spells to a wizard/illusionist without leveling them up?

It's fine to ask here. To answer your question, no there currently isn't, but I could make one. Maybe above the list of spells on a character sheet I can add both a ADD/EDIT SPELLS and a ADD CUSTOM SPELL button, like I already have with the equipment section.

I'll work on it this weekend, shouldn't take too much because most of the code exists in different places right now and I've been meaning to add custom spells as a feature.

gvorbeck commented 7 months ago

I don't know where to post general questions, is there a way to add spells to a wizard/illusionist without leveling them up?

Not quite what your original request was, but we're getting closer with 2.4.0 I have added the ability to add custom spells to characters with access to spells. Button appears on the character sheet above their list of spells.

gvorbeck commented 7 months ago

I don't know where to post general questions, is there a way to add spells to a wizard/illusionist without leveling them up?

This is now done!

The-Sovereign-Psiocrat commented 7 months ago

I don't know where to post general questions, is there a way to add spells to a wizard/illusionist without leveling them up?

This is now done!

I just saw, it looks great. Can't wait to have my players add their extra spells. Keep up the good work, its appreciated by both me and my players.