gw-cs-sd / sd-2017-assignment-scheduler

sd-2017-assignment-scheduler created by GitHub Classroom
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Week 10: Breaks down input from Google calendar into new objects for each event #1

Open walkerthomp opened 8 years ago

walkerthomp commented 8 years ago


A majority of my work has been done in the located at

Originally the information came in an array for strings of the titles, starting time, duration of the events in the calendar. Utilizing Google's API i was able to extract a list of events from the calendar. The information fomr the events is then cast to new objects so that the can be manipulated locally as well as make it simpler to process the available times to schedule new events.

twood02 commented 8 years ago

Demo: basic calendar and data input

Next: figure out first steps of algorithm and how to evolve it into something more complex.

What will be the stages of the algorithm? What does it need to answer?