gw-sd-2016 / ArtificialInstructor

Shawn Huntzberry
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Week 24: Adding to my lesson structure to allow for more accurate note representation. #10

Open SHuntzberry opened 8 years ago

SHuntzberry commented 8 years ago


I have added to my lesson data structure to base the times note should be played/appear on the type of note. When programming lessons I will allow for the type of measure and the type of notes(whole, half, quarter, eighth, ect.) to be declared in order to have the lesson be more accurate and meaningful to the user. The lesson data structure will then calculate the times the notes should appear, and be able to be strummed, so my scoring algorithm is more accurate and the program may also give better feedback about types of notes to the users. Moving forward I am hoping to not just have this work with the lesson output but also with the users input so when storing the users data I am able to better tell them the types of notes they played, as well as, the note value and octave.

twood02 commented 8 years ago

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