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Add types to materials and allow sorting/organizing by types. #1785

Open ThomasOwens opened 3 months ago

ThomasOwens commented 3 months ago

For materials, it would be helpful to organize/sort by type. If I could easily see what types of material I need and how many, I could make decisions about which Glory to the Legions track to run in Drizzlewood, what Jade Bot Scavenger Protocol to equip, or similar.

queicherius commented 3 months ago

I assume you would want to see this in the crafting calculator?

I'm pretty hesitant to add this, because it's a lot of manually maintained data, since the "type" a material is is not in the API. I'm not sure if all of them are generatable (e.g. "glacial" / "leather" would work, but not sure about others).

ThomasOwens commented 3 months ago

Yes, I think the crafting calculator is where this would be the most helpful.

That is a valid point. It probably wouldn't make sense to have to manually maintain the data somehow.

I do see some common themes, but I'd need to check and deconflict: "Scrap", "Bolt of", "Spool of", "Ore", "Lump of", "Ingot", "Leather Section", "Leather Square", "Log", "Plank", "Pouch of Pigment", "Bone", "Claw", "Pile of Dust", " Fang", " Scale", " Totem", " Venom Sac", "Vial of Blood", "Pile of Essence", "Onyx ", "Molten ", "Glacial ", "Destroyer ", "Crystal ", "Corrupted ", "Charged ", "Mordrem ", "Evergreen ", "Resonating ", "Vial of * Mists Essence".

I do see at least a few conflicts. Eitrite Ingot and Auric Ingot aren't part of the other metal ingots. Spool of Deldrimor Thread isn't part of the other spools.

I'd have to explore the API more to understand about categories and item names.

queicherius commented 2 months ago

Kindof related to