gwadhwani / MPGTextField

An autocomplete textfield for iOS which provides suggestions as you type. The textfield can be configured to ensure that a selection is compulsorily made from the list of suggestions and gives you control over the size of the popover showing suggestions based on the text entered by the user.
MIT License
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Replace UITextField of UISearchBar by a MPGTextField #15

Open Persilos opened 9 years ago

Persilos commented 9 years ago

Hi, is it possible to replace the UITextField of my searchBar by an MPGTextField ?

My searchBar look like this capture d ecran 2015-05-19 a 16 04 16 Il would like to keep it ! But just change the UITextField and replace it with a MPGTextField.

drake1138 commented 8 years ago

You should be able to go into your storyboard, click on the TextField, then, in the panel on the right hand side which you may need to open by clicking the button in the top right corner, choose the tab to the right of the question mark in a circle. You should see a title at the top, "Custom Class". Change the class to MPGTextField. Also, be sure to set the mdelegate in viewDidLoad for the MPGTextField.

P.S. I really wish this was explained in the "read me" file so I didn't have to spend a couple hours figuring it out on my own.