gwarble / EitherMouse

EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings.
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Using This with a JavaScript Library #2

Open Matt-B-Anderson opened 2 years ago

Matt-B-Anderson commented 2 years ago

I would like to use this software with a library called NutJS. It is able to take recorded mouse events and them play them back. The trouble is that when I am running either mouse it still uses both mice.

Maybe my understanding of how either mouse reflects to the system that there are 2 mice available is not adequate, but my hope was that I would be able to record something on one mouse and play it back on that same mouse.

Just wanted to know if this is possible.


gwarble commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback, sorry for the delayed response... I don't think this is possible as the way EitherMouse works is to change the current/global settings based on the last detected mouse being used, which is why two can't be used at the same time.