gwatcha / reaper-keys

vim-bindings for Reaper
MIT License
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Wrong key inputs on keyboard layouts other than qwerty #55

Closed AntoineBalaine closed 1 year ago

AntoineBalaine commented 1 year ago


I use a keyboard layout other than qwerty, and the numbers row doesn't get picked up correctly. Also, it doesn't pick up capital letters either. I'm on MacOs, can probably test on my linux machine as well.

Here's what happens with the numbers row: If I hit where the <S-1> is on a qwerty, I see the qwerty's <S-1> output - even though the OS is using a different layout. If I hit <S-h>, it just hits <h>.

Is there a way around this issue?

update: on my linux, the problem is the same: the shift keys doesn't get picked up correctly. I'd say that's where the problem is coming from.

AntoineBalaine commented 1 year ago

Found It! Dunno if reaper's the culprit upon importing, all the lowercase keys had a duplicate keybinding that included the shift+[key]. reaper-keys

deetuned commented 1 year ago

Found It! Dunno if reaper's the culprit upon importing, all the lowercase keys had a duplicate keybinding that included the shift+[key]. reaper-keys

Hi, @AntoineBalaine. May I ask how exactly you went about adjusting every keybind? Did you do it manually?


molleweide commented 1 year ago

I'm on MacOs, can probably test on my linux machine as well.

hmm, i have noticed this on my m1 macbook as well. however, this wasn't an issue before for me on intel macs, and i have been using both qmk and kmonad. we have to dig into this and figure out what's the problem.

it fore sure, is a recent problem because everything has worked flawlessly before

molleweide commented 1 year ago

Found It! Dunno if reaper's the culprit upon importing, all the lowercase keys had a duplicate keybinding that included the shift+[key]. reaper-keys

aaah oh wait you solved hmm i have to check this out later myself. it feels Iike some of the setup scripts have to be updated somehow to take care of this issue. if you wipe all your binds and then reopen reaper, does it reload keys again with the faulty duplicate shift keys?

molleweide commented 1 year ago

also, great to see some ppl in this repo

AntoineBalaine commented 1 year ago

@deetuned Yes, I updated every key bind manually - both in TCP actions list, and in midi editor's list.

does it reload keys again with the faulty duplicate shift keys? @molleweide yes, it does. I'm working on a fork - reaper-keys is sooo great, I've been loving every minute with it.

AntoineBalaine commented 1 year ago

it fore sure, is a recent problem because everything has worked flawlessly before dunno… Latest reaper's fault, or my system's fault, maybe…?

molleweide commented 1 year ago

it fore sure, is a recent problem because everything has worked flawlessly before dunno… Latest reaper's fault, or my system's fault, maybe…?

yeah im starting to think that it might have something to do with the latest reaper versions for sure.

molleweide commented 1 year ago

I'm working on a fork - reaper-keys is sooo great, I've been loving every minute with it.

awesome! what kind of music do you use rk for?

AntoineBalaine commented 1 year ago

I want to do some electronic stuff, but I'm still in the midst of getting comfortable with it. How about yourself?

molleweide commented 1 year ago

anything from classical composing to hardstyle lol. im down for chatting about rk anytime!

AntoineBalaine commented 1 year ago

Very good, let's do it! My email's in my branche's git log. Let's set a time and chat! Cheers

molleweide commented 1 year ago

I submitted a forum post for this. @AntoineBalaine please tell me if Im missing something in the post that should be included. It would be good to know if they actually did somekind of update to reaper within the last 1-2 years. As I stated before, all keys where loaded perfectly on both macos and linux before two years ago.

I also made a simpler post in the general reaper forum:

If no one in the forum knows what has changed in reaper versions the next step would be to find and install the reaper version manager and see if the keymap loads correctly in older versions circa 2 years ago or older.

Three years ago I coded a lot of shit for myself to extend reaper keys and then I took a break for a while. Then when I came back to rk this bug/issue occured but now i really want to get to the bottom of this issue so that we can automate everything. Having to manually apply the shortcuts for all shift keys every time you install to a new machine is not very cool 😠

I also asked if there is a central location where all changelogs for reaper are kept so we could try to do a search for keymap or whatever to pin point where this all started.


This is where the whole changelog is located:

Doing a superficial search I don't seem to find anything of interest.

molleweide commented 1 year ago

ChatGPT thinks that there has been a change to how reaper treats assigning command IDs to upper case key combinations. Who knows...

AntoineBalaine commented 1 year ago

Dunno… I saw your posts, thanks for looking into the topic.

I have an updated keymap on my mapCleanUp branch , maybe we can see if it's worth merging it and call it a day - and I mean merging only the keymap changes. Would you be able to give it a try and see if it's working first, though?

This might be a linux-only issue, or because I don't use a qwerty layout, or whatever. I don't know if it's worth running in circles about: most users who come across the problem are likely to pop up on the forum or over here…

I've also noticed that reaper got some bugs in the current version - time selections going out-of-sync with the grid, amongst others. At first, I spent some time trying to figure whether it was an rk-issue (since it breaks BigItem movements in the TCP), until I saw people mentioning similar problems on Reaper's pre-release forum. From what it looks like, Cockos is working on a release with bug-fixes for early July.

molleweide commented 1 year ago

Yeah ill try the kmap and get back. Ig if it works to export that keymap and import it with correct shift keys then this only had to be done once. Hmmm.

molleweide commented 1 year ago

We should find the version manager and figure out which versions are best for rk

molleweide commented 1 year ago

This might be a linux-only issue, or because I don't use a qwerty layout, or whatever. I don't know if it's worth running in circles about: most users who come across the problem are likely to pop up on the forum or over here…

No its both linux and macos. Same issue on intel and m1.

And the keyboard layout is not the issue either. Both i and gwatcha are using super wierd custom keyboards and layouts and it used to work fine. Qmk/kmonad,etc..

molleweide commented 1 year ago

Oh wait. I just realized i have to try one other thing as well. Ill come back to here later.

It takes a while to get my brain back into reaper. Its so complex

molleweide commented 1 year ago

now some ppl in the reaper forum have started replying so hopefully we'll get to the bottom with this. I haven't yet tried your keymap.

Have you tried exporting your updated keymap and then importing it again to see if it works on your own machine?

AntoineBalaine commented 1 year ago

Yes. It works just fine when I swap it for the defaults and then re-import - on both macOS and Linux.

molleweide commented 1 year ago

Allright, so I tried importing your keymap reaper-keys-unix from the branch you linked and the issue still persists for me. When re-importing, did you do that on macos or linux?

molleweide commented 1 year ago

Here are some docs on how keymaps work. five or six pages of what she has been able to reverse engineer i think.

Im getting help from Mespotine in the devs forum. If we resolve the issue I'll try to rewrite the generator script.

molleweide commented 1 year ago

@AntoineBalaine can you try this keymap on your Linux machine and report back:

Which OS are you using RK on mainly now? The keymap that you manually fixed, did you do that on Linux, and have you tried importing it on your MacOS as well?

For me neither her, nor yours did work on my MacOS reaper.

AntoineBalaine commented 1 year ago

I'm using my keymap on both Linux and Macos… The re-import was on linux, while I was figuring stuff out. On macos, I pulled from my branch and stuff worked right away. it's a mystery…

I'll try Mespotine's key-map tonight and let you know. We might wanna run a diff between all of them.

molleweide commented 1 year ago

Now I tried using your keymap again and the import worked, as did re-importing my own manual update.

molleweide commented 1 year ago

I just figured out where the problem seems to be. You can read the progress on the issue under the forum thread where I tried to document my process.

molleweide commented 1 year ago

ive kinda solved the issue

need to fix the generator script so it adds reaper_keys_<context>_<char>_upper for all upper case letter.

Reaper converts all action ids to lower case, and the clash occurs which is why you get random hashes for all upper case keys.